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Curso 2019/2020 Subject code66044163



Face-to-face Exam

Exam type
Examen tipo test
Question type
Duration of the exam
90 (minutos)
Material allowed in the exam

No materials are allowed in the final exam.

Qualification and evaluation criteria

The value of the final exam ("Prueba Presencial", PP) will be different depending on whether students choose to submit the assignment ("Prueba de Evaluación Continua", PEC) or not:

(1) The final exam (PP) will account for 80% of the final mark if the assignment (PEC) is submitted. The value of the PEC is 20% of the final mark. In order for the PEC to add to the final mark, students must have obtained a minimum of 50% of the total mark of the final exam. If this minimum in the PP is not obtained or the student does not sit the PP in the ordinary sitting, the mark of the PEC will be saved exclusively for the September sitting of the same academic year.

(2) The final exam (PP) will account for 100% of the final mark if the assignment (PEC) is not submitted. In order to pass, students must have obtained a minimum of 50% of the total mark of the final exam.

% Concerning the final grade
Minimum Grade (not including continuas assessment)
Maximum grade (not including continuas assessment)
Minimum grade (including continuas assessment)



The "Prueba de Evaluación Continua" (PEC), called "assignment", is optional. It may be a variety of a wide range of exercises (multiple choice questions, short or long essays, reading comprehensions, vocabulary tests, listening comprehensions, etc.).

The PEC (assignment) must be submitted (1) in accordance with the instructions given by the "Equipo Docente" and (2) within the indicated deadline. Both conditions are a requirement for the assignment to be valid. Thus, any assignment submitted later than the specified time limit or not following the indicated instructions will not be marked.

Students will be provided with the instructions with sufficient time and notice on the on-line course, and must follow them accordingly.

Qualification and evaluation criteria

The value of the final exam ("Prueba Presencial", PP) will be different depending on whether students choose to submit the assignment ("Prueba de Evaluación Continua", PEC) or not:

(1) The final exam (PP) will account for 80% of the final mark if the assignment (PEC) is submitted. The value of the PEC is 20% of the final mark. In order for the PEC to add to the final mark, students must have obtained a minimum of 50% of the total mark of the final exam. If this minimum in the PP is not obtained or the student does not sit the PP in the ordinary sitting, the mark of the PEC will be saved exclusively for the September sitting of the same academic year.

(2) The final exam (PP) will account for 100% of the final mark if the assignment (PEC) is not submitted. In order to pass, students must have obtained a minimum of 50% of the total mark of the final exam.

Ponderación de la PEC en la nota final
Approximate submission date


Is there another activity / s that can be evaluated?
Qualification and evaluation criteria
Ponderación en la nota final
Approximate submission date

How to obtain the final grade?

The final mark will be different depending on whether students choose to submit the assignment ("Prueba de Evaluación Continua", PEC) or not. There are two ways to calculate the final mark:

(1) If students submit the PEC, it will account for 20% of the final mark, and the final exam ("Prueba Presencial", PP) will account for 80% of the final mark. In order for the PEC to add to the final mark, students must have obtained a minimum of 50% of the total mark of the final exam. If this minimum is not obtained or the student does not sit the PP in the ordinary sitting, the mark of the PEC will be saved exclusively for the September sitting of the same academic year. The way to calculate the final mark obtained is as follows: PP mark x 0,8 + PEC mark x 0,2. Example: a student has obtained 7 points out of 10 in the PP ("Prueba Presencial") and 9 points out of 10 in the PEC ("Prueba de Evaluación Continua"). The calculation would be (7 x 0,8 = 5,6) + (9 x 0,2 = 1,8); 5,6 + 1,8 = 7,4.

(2) The final exam ("Prueba Presencial", PP) will account for 100% of the final mark if the assignment ("Prueba de Evaluación Continua", PEC) is not submitted. In order to pass, students must have obtained a minimum of 50% of the total mark of the final exam (5 points).