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Curso 2020/2021 Subject code63014121




Alfred, M.V. (2016). Creating space for Social Justice Education, Dialogues in Social Justice 1(1), 31-34.

Beierlein, Constanze;  Werner,  Christina.  Preiser,  Siegfried & Wermuth, Sonja  (2011).  Are Just-World Beliefs Compatible with Justifying Inequality? Collective Political Efficacy as a Moderato. Social Justice Research, 24, pp. 278–296.

Irving, Barrie A. & Malik, Beatriz (2005). Critical Reflections on Career Education and Guidance Promoting Social Justice within a Global Economy. London: Routledge Falmer.  Some specific chapters:   

Irving, Barrie A. & Malik, Beatriz (2005). Introduction. Critical Reflections on Career Education and Guidance: Promoting Social Justice within a Global Economy. London: Routledge Falmer

Irving, Barrie A. (2005). Social justice: a context for career education and guidance, in Barrie A. Irving & Beatriz Malik. Critical Reflections on Career Education and Guidance Promoting Social Justice within a Global Economy. London: Routledge Falmer.

Roberts, K. (2005). Social Class, Opportunity Structures and Career Guidance, in Barrie A. Irving & Beatriz Malik. Critical Reflections on Career Education and Guidance Promoting Social Justice within a Global Economy. London: Routledge Falmer.  


Youtube videos and excerpts of films related to the contents of the course. The links will be available in the virtual course.