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Course 2021-2022 / FACULTAD DE DERECHO



Students graduating with the MUAS will be qualified to:

Serve in technical, managerial and senior management positions in the State and Autonomous Health Administration.
Be a researcher in research projects in the field of Health Administration and health sciences.
Access to doctoral programs related to health, economic and social sciences.
In summary, the student who has passed the MUAS will have acquired the knowledge, abilities, tools and skills that will enable him/her to be competent in a varied profile of tasks, among which we highlight the following five:

(a) Develop policies and management processes of institutions and corporations that govern systems and networks of health and social-health services, both in the field of health risk insurance, as well as in the coordination of networks of centers and services, and in the implementation of programs for the improvement of population health.

b) Plan, organize, direct and evaluate health centers and services, providing significant competencies from the student's own disciplinary perspective: financing, economic evaluation, regulation, information, technology, organization, assistance, care, pharmacy, personnel, administration, general services, public health, health information and documentation, patients' rights, safety, quality, etc.

c) Collaborate with the management of healthcare microsystems, either by leading the processes, in the case of clinical and care disciplines, or by acting as support and liaison for these microsystems in the healthcare centers and networks in which they are located.

d) Implement projects to improve quality and efficiency, organizational change or innovation, based on a good command of technical tools from the world of management, organizational sciences, biomedical research and health services, and the set of disciplinary knowledge provided in the Master's program.

e) To take the initiative to maintain self-training, through "learning to learn" skills, which are projected in the ability to convert experience into tacit knowledge, and through participation in communities of knowledge and professional practice, to convert this into explicit knowledge published and disseminated with the guarantees of the scientific method.