The approach of the Master is both theoretical and practical, as it includes numerous examples, solved activities and cases that will help the student to understand, elaborate and assimilate the theoretical concepts and to develop the necessary competencies, skills and attitudes.
It is structured by modules in such a way that within each module the different subjects that are related to each other are included distributed in two semesters:
Complementary training 15 ECTS Complementary training
Introduction to Sustainability and CSR 5 ECTS Compulsory
Relations with society 15 ECTS Elective
Information and communication 15 ECTS Elective
Environment 15 Optional ECTS
Dimensions of CSR 15 Compulsory yearly
Sustainable finance 15 ECTS Elective
CSR management 15 ECTS Elective
Human rights and sustainable people management. 15 ECTS Elective
Final Master's thesis 10 ECTS Compulsory
In order to obtain the 60 credits required to obtain the Master's Degree in Sustainability and CSR, it is necessary to take the three compulsory subjects (Introduction to Sustainability and CSR and Dimensions of CSR (5 ECTS+ 15 ECTS= 20ECTS) and TFM (10 ECTS)) and two of the optional subjects offered (30 ECTS).
A) The teaching of the first semester will take place approximately between November 1, 2022 and February 14, 2023. Students will have to register for the following 2 modules and the subject Dimensions of CSR in the first academic year in which they register for the Master's Degree:
A.1. The Complementary Training Module is offered as a formative complement, and is mandatory for students who do not come from ADE or Economics, or cannot accredit this knowledge. In the event of having to take it, the number of credits required to obtain the Master's degree is 75.
A.2. The Introduction to Sustainability and CSR module is compulsory in the first semester of the first academic year in which they enroll for all students of the Master's Degree.
A.3. The subject Dimensions of CSR is an annual course and is also compulsory for all students of the Master's Degree in the first academic year in which they enroll.
B) The teaching of the second semester will take place approximately between mid-February 2023 and June 15, 2023.
Given its special characteristics, the Master's Final Project Module begins with the selection of the topic in November 2022. The defense of this Work will be public before an Evaluation Commission being necessary to have passed, at least, 50 credits (Introduction to Sustainability, Dimensions of CSR and two electives).
In the event that they have to take the Complementary Training training complement, it is advisable to complete the Master's Degree in two academic years.