15.- Políticas Públicas de la Unión Europea: diseño y evaluación, 5 créditos, (optativa)
Primer Cuatrimestre. 30 créditos obligatorios
1.- English for Law, 6 créditos, obligatoria
2.- Institutional System and European Integration, 6 créditos, obligatoria
3.- Legal System of the European Union, 6 créditos, obligatoria
4.- Legal relationship between the Law of the European Union and the national legal system, 6 créditos, obligatoria
5.-Court of Justice, European Integration and Fundamental Rights, 6 créditos, obligatoria
Segundo Cuatrimestre:
1. A multicultural Europe, 5 créditos, optativa
2.- Citizenship and Area of freedom, security and justice, 5 créditos, optativa
3.- Budget and Governance int the European Union, 5 créditos, optativa
4.- Children’s e-rights in the European Union information society, 5 créditos, optativa
5.- European Ombudsman, 5 créditos, optativa
6.- Multilevel System of the Fundamental Rights in the European Union, 5 créditos, optativa
7.- The role of the regions in the European Union system of multi-level governance (El papel de las regiones en el sistema de gobernanza multinivel de la Unión Europea), 5 créditos, optativa
8.- Spanish case-law on domestic implementation to EU law, 5 créditos, optativa
9.- The Civil Service of the European Union, 5 créditos, optativa.
10.- Master’s Thesis. 10 créditos.
D) Especialidad en Economy of the EU: Challenges for the 21st Century (en lengua inglesa)
Primer Cuatrimestre (Obligatorias): 30 créditos obligatorios.
1. Public policies evaluation methods, 6 ECTS.
2. European single market: integration and convergence, 6 ECTS.
3. Institutions of the European Union, 6 ECTS.
4. European Banking Union. Past, present and future, 6 ECTS.
5. The european integration history, 6 ECTS.
Segundo Cuatrimestre (Optativas): 20 créditos de optativas. 5 ECTS cada asignatura
1. Transportation and economic growth in EU, 5 ECTS.
2. Budget, public management and governance in the EU, 5 ECTS.
3. Digital Economy in the EU: medium and small firm, 5 ECTS.