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Curso 2018/2019/Subject's code22202332




Se facilitarán apuntes gratuitos sobre los mecanismos neurobiológicos a través de los cuales el estrés puede afectar a la función cognitiva. 

Además, los siguientes artículos de investigación formarán parte de la bibliografía obligatoria de este curso: 

  • Averill LA, Averill CL, Kelmendi B, Abdallah CG, Southwick SM. (2018). Stress Response Modulation Underlying the Psychobiology of Resilience. Curr Psychiatry Rep 28;20(4):27. 
  • Dedovic K, Duchesne A, Andrews J, Engert V, Pruessner JC. (2009). The brain and the stress axis: the neural correlates of cortisol regulation in response to stress. Neuroimage ;47(3):864-71
  • Diamond DM, Campbell AM, Park CR, Halonen J, Zoladz PR. (2007). The temporal dynamics model of emotional memory processing: a synthesis on the neurobiological basis of stress-induced amnesia, flashbulb and traumatic memories, and the Yerkes-Dodson law. Neural Plast. :60803
  • Jin J, Maren S. (2015). Prefrontal-Hippocampal Interactions in Memory and Emotion. Front Syst Neurosci.;9:170
  • Kudielka BM1, Buske-Kirschbaum A, Hellhammer DH, Kirschbaum C. (2004). HPA axis responses to laboratory psychosocial stress in healthy elderly adults, younger adults, and children: impact of age and gender. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2004 Jan;29(1):83-98.
  • Lupien SJ, Maheu F, Tu M, Fiocco A, Schramek TE. (2007). The effects of stress and stress hormones on human cognition: Implications for the field of brain and cognition. Brain Cogn. ;65(3):209-37.
  • McEwen BS, Bowles NP, Gray JD, Hill MN, Hunter RG, Karatsoreos IN, Nasca C. Mechanisms of stress in the brain (2015). Nat Neurosci.18(10):1353-63.
  • Negrón-Oyarzo I, Aboitiz F, Fuentealba P.(2016). Impaired Functional Connectivity in the Prefrontal Cortex: A Mechanism for Chronic Stress-Induced Neuropsychiatric Disorders. Neural Plast. 2016; doi: 10.1155/2016/7539065
  • Quaedflieg CWEM, Schwabe L. Memory dynamics under stress. Memory. 26(3):364-376. 
  • Wang J, Korczykowski M, Rao H, Fan Y, Pluta J, Gur RC, McEwen BS, Detre JA. (2007).Gender difference in neural response to psychological stress. Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci. 2(3):227-39.