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Curso 2018/2019/Subject's code22202347



A continuación se detallan los documentos de lectura obligatoria para la preparación de cada TEMA (ver Metodología y Plan de Trabajo).


TEMA 1:  Historia, Concepto y Método

Salmon, C. y Crawford, Ch. (2008): Evolutionary Psychology: The Historical Context. En Foundations of Evolutionary Psychology, Crawford, Ch y D Krebs (eds) (cap1). Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. New York.

Alcock, J. y Crawford, Ch. (2008): Evolutionary Questions for Evolutionary Psychologists. En Foundations of Evolutionary Psychology, Crawford, Ch y D Krebs (eds) (cap2). Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. New York.

Hames, R. (2001): Human Behavioral Ecology. International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences. 6946-6951. Elsevier.

Barkow, J.H. (2006): Introduction: Sometimes the Bus Does Wait (puntos 2, 3 y 5). En Missing the Revolution: Darwinism for Social Scientists, Barkow, J.H. (ed.). Oxford university press. Oxford.


TEMA 2: Nutrición, Dieta y Obtención de alimentos

Huebbe, P. y Rimbach, G. (2017): Evolution of Human Apolipoprotein E (APOE) Isoforms: Gene Structure, Protein Function and Interaction with Dietary Factors. Ageing Research Reviews 37, 146-161.

Lieberman, L.S. (2006): Evolutionary and anthropological perspectives on optimal foraging in obesogenic environments. Appetite 47, 3-9.

Leonard, W.R, Snodgrass, J.J. y Robertson, M.L. (2007): Effects of brain evolution on human nutrition and metabolism. Annual Review of Nutrition 27, 311-327.

Milton, K. (2006): Diet and Primate Evolution. En Scientific American 16, 2(22-29).

Leonard, W.R. (2002): Food for Thought. En Scientific American 13, 2(62-71).


TEMA 3: Ritmos Biológicos

Cermakian, N. y Boivin, D.B. (2003): A Molecular Perspective of Human Circadian Rhythm Disorders. Brain Research Review 42, 204-220.

Roenneberg, T. y Merrow, M. (2016): The Circadian Clock and Human Health. Current Biology 26, 432–443.

Lewy, A.J., Songer, J., Yuhas, K. y Emens, J.S. (2009): Circadian Function and Therapeutic Potential of Melatonin in Humans. En Encyclopedia of Neuroscience, Squire, L.R. (Ed.). Elsevier, pp. 893-908.

Aleandri, V., Spina, V. y Morini, A. (1996): The Pineal gland and reproduction. Human Reproduction Update 2, 225–235.


TEMA 4: Historia Vital (Life History): La Estrategia Reproductiva Humana

Ellison, P.T. (2017): Endocrinology, Energetics, and Human Life History: A Synthetic Model. Hormones and Behavior 91, 97–106

Kuzawa; Ch, W. (2010): Beyond Feast–Famine: Brain Evolution, Human Life History, and the Metabolic Syndrome. En Human Evolutionary Biology, Muehlenbein, M.P. (Ed.). Capítulo 30. Cambridge University Press.

Douglas E. Crews, D. E. y Stewart, J.A. (2010): Human Longevity and Senescence. Human Evolutionary Biology. En M.P. Muehlenbein (Ed.). Capítulo 31. Cambridge University Press.

Austad, S.N. y Finch, C.E. (2017): Human Life History Evolution: New Perspectives on Body and Brain Growth. En On Human Nature. Biology, Psychology, Ethics, Politics, and Religion (Cap 14). Tibayrenc, M. y Ayala, F.J. (Eds). Elsevier Inc.

Mace, R. (2000): Evolutionary ecology of human life history. Animal Behavior 59, 1-10.



Hill, A.K., Bailey, D.H. y Puts, D.A. (2017): Gorillas in Our Midst? Human Sexual Dimorphism and Contest Competition in Men. En On Human Nature. Biology, Psychology, Ethics, Politics, and Religion (Cap 15). Tibayrenc, M. y Ayala, F.J. (Eds). Elsevier Inc.

Thornhill, R. y Gangestad, S.W. (2008): The Evolutionary Biology of Human Female Sexuality. Caps 3 y 4. Oxford University Press.

Sefcek, J.A., Barbara, MA., Brumbach, H., Geneva Vasquez, MA, y Miller, G.F. (2007): The Evolutionary Psychology of Human Mate Choice: how Ecology, Genes, Fertility and Fashion Influence Mating. PDF


TEMA 6: Conducta Parental y Filial: La Familia Humana y sus Conflictos

Workman, L. y Reader W. (2014): The Evolutionary Psychology of Social Behaviour – Kin Relationships and Conflict. Capítulo 7 de Evolutionary Psychology: An Introduction (3ª ed.). Cambridge University Press

Henrich, N y Henrich, J. (2007): Family First: Kinship Explains Most Cooperative Behavior. Cap 5 de Why Human Cooperate. A Cultural and Evolutionary Explanation. Oxford University Press.

Gardner, A., Griffin, A.S. y West, S.A. (2010): Altruism and Cooperation. En Evolutionary Behavioral Ecology. Westneat, D.F. y Fox, Ch. W. (Eds). Oxford University Press.

Kvarnemo, Ch. (2010): Parental Care. En Evolutionary Behavioral Ecology. Westneat, D.F. y Fox, Ch. W. (Eds). Oxford University Press.


TEMA 7: Los Grupos Sociales: Cooperación y Conflicto

Henrich, N y Henrich, J. (2007): Cooperation through Reciprocity and Reputation. Capítulo 6 de Why Human Cooperate. A Cultural and Evolutionary Explanation. Oxford University Press.

Workman, L. y Reader W. (2014): The evolutionary psychology of social behaviour – reciprocity and group behaviour. Capítulo 8 de Evolutionary Psychology: An Introduction (3ª ed.). Cambridge University Press.

West, S.A., El Mouden, C y Gardner, A. (2011): Sixteen Common Misconceptions about the Evolution of Cooperation in Humans. Evolution and Human Behavior 32, 231–262

Crespi, B., y Summers, K. (2014): Inclusive Fitness Theory for the Evolution of Religion. Animal Behaviour 92, 313-323

Nowak, M.A. y Sigmund, K. (2005): Evolution of indirect reciprocity. Nature 437, 1291-1298.


TEMA 8: El Lenguaje y el Razonamiento: Una Visión Evolucionista

Workman, L. y Reader W. (2014): The Evolution of Language. Capítulo 10 de Evolutionary Psychology: An Introduction (3ª ed.). Cambridge University Press.

Workman, L. y Reader W. (2014): Evolution, Thought and Cognition. Capítulo 9 de Evolutionary Psychology: An Introduction (3ª ed.). Cambridge University Press.

Fisher, S.E. y Marcus, G.F. (2006): The Eloquent Ape: Genes, Brains and the Evolution of Language. Nature Reviews/Genetics 7, 9-20.


TEMA 9: La Comunicación

Stevens, M. (2013): Sensory Ecology, Behaviour, and Evolution. Capítulos 5, 6, 7 y 8. Oxford University Press.


TEMA 10: Psicopatología Evolucionista

Wenegrat, B. (2010): Evolutionary Psychiatry: Mental Disorders and Behavioral Evolution. En Human Evolutionary Biology, Muehlenbein, M.P. (Ed.). Capítulo 32. Cambridge University Press.

Badcock, Ch. (2008): An Evolutionary Theory of Mind and Mental Illness: Genetic Conflict and the Mentalistic Continuum. En Foundations of Evolutionary Psychology, Crawford, Ch. y D. Krebs (eds) Capítulo 23. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. New York.

Troisi, A.T. (2008): Psychopathology and Mental Illness. En Foundations of Evolutionary Psychology, Crawford, Ch. y D. Krebs (eds) Capítulo 24. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. New York.