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Curso 2018/2019/Subject's code26602478



The distance learning methodology at UNED offers, among other things, flexibility for students to organise their time, which means that they can study the materials at a time that suits them best within the duration of the course. Assignments, however, have submission deadlines that students must meet.

Students will have learning activities, materials, exercises and assignments at their disposal on the online course and they can seek the assistance of the "Equipo Docente" through the online course.

Legal English vocabulary & grammar will be introduced through the exploration and exploitation of legal topics. This will include legal texts, presentations, vocabulary and grammar exercises, listenings, etc. A whole range of materials and resources will be used.

Active involvement in the online course is strongly encouraged and recommended. Interaction on the online course will take place and students must consult it regularly to have updates information on deadlines, notices, etc.