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Curso 2019/2020/Subject's code24413108



Fuentes Primarias:

- Wilfred Owen and Siegfried Sassoon’s War Poems:

- “Dulce et decorum est”

- “Anthem, for doomed youth”

- “Survivors”

- “Does it Matter?”


- “Suicide in the Trenches”

Barker, Pat. The Regeneration Trilogy (Regeneration, The Eye in the Door, The Ghost Road) London: Penguin, 2014

Phillips, Caryl. 1998. The Nature of Blood. London: Faber & Faber.

Atwood, Margaret. 2005. The Penelopiad. London: Canongate.

Figes, Eva. 2004 (2003). Tales of Innocence and Experience: An Exploration. London: Bloomsbury.

Fuentes Secundarias:

Estudios críticos sobre las obras:

Tate, Trudi. 2009. “The First World War: British writing”. In
The Cambridge Companion to War Writing. McLoughlin, Kate (ed.) New York: Cambridge University Press, pp. 160-174 (UNIT 1)

Joyes, Kaley. 2009. “Regenerating Wilfred Owen: Pat Barker’s Revisions”. Mosaic: A Journal for the Interdisciplinary Study of Literature, 42.3: 169-183 (UNIT 1)

De La Concha Muñoz, Angeles, 2013. “Seeing into the Great War Patriarchal Discourse and Practices through the Male Gaze: Pat Barker’s Regeneration Trilogy”. EPOS XXIX (2013), 347-356 (UNIT 1)

----- “The End of History? Or is it? Circularity versus Progress in Caryl Phillips' The Nature of Blood”. Miscelánea, 22 (2000): 1-19 (UNIT 2)

Vevaina, Coomi S. 2006. “Margaret Atwood and history”.
The Cambridge Companion to Margaret Atwood. Howells, Coral Ann (ed.) Cambridge: New York, pp. 86-99 (UNIT 3)

Almagro, Manuel and Carolina Sánchez-Palencia. 2000. “Eva Figes: An Interview”. Atlantis, vol. 22.1: 177-186 (UNIT 4)


Berkhofer, Robert F. 1997. “The Postmodernist Challenge” and “The New Rhetoric, Poetics, and Criticism”. In Beyond the Great Story. History and Text and Discourse. Cambridge. Mass: Harvard University Press, pp. 1-25; 76-105 (Chapters 1, 4) (UNIT 1)

Rujas Martínez-Novillo, Javier. 2010. “Genealogía y Discurso: de Nietzsche a Foucault”. Nómadas: Revista Crítica de Ciencias Sociales y Jurídicas, 26 (2010) (UNIT 2)

Gopal, Priyamvada. 2004. “Reading subaltern history”. In The Cambridge Companion to Postcolonial Literary Studies. Lazarus, Neil (ed.). Cambridge, New York: Cambridge University Press, pp. 139-161. (UNIT 2)

White, Hayden. 1966. “The Burden of History”. History and Theory, Vol. 5.2 (1966): 111-134 (UNIT 2)

— —. 1984. “The Question of Narrative in Contemporary Historical Theory”. History and Theory, Vol. 23.1 (Feb., 1984): 1-33 (UNIT 2)

Hutcheon, Linda. 1988. “Theorizing the postmodern: toward a poetics” and “Historiographic metafiction: the pastime of past time”. In A Poetics of Postmodernism: History, Theory, Fiction. New York and London: Routledge; pp. 3-21, 22-36, 105-123, 123-140 (Chapters 1, 7[v2] ) (UNITS 1&3)

Onega, Susana. 1997. “The mythical impulse in British historiographic metafiction”. European Journal of English Studies, ISSN 1382-5577, 08/1997, Volumen 1, Número 2, pp. 184 – 204 (UNIT 3)

Waugh, Patricia. 2003 (1988). “What is metafiction and why are they saying such awful things about it?” and “Literary self-consciousness: developments”. In Metafiction. New York: Routdledge, pp. 1.20; 21-62 (chapters 1, 2) (UNIT 3)

Cetinic, Maria. (2010). “Sympathetic conditions: Toward a new ontology of trauma”. Discourse, 32 (3): 285-301, 359 (UNIT 4)

Hartman, Geoffrey J. 2003. “Trauma within the Limits of Literature”. European Journal of English Studies, 7/3, pp. 257-274 (UNIT 4)