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Curso 2019/2020/Subject's code26602548





To have a look to the specific inter-government relation towards the approval of the EU Budget. To see the special role of the European Parliament in the EU Budget. To compate the management administrative systems in the EU and its countries

-To know the evolution of the Public management, taking into account the available resources

-Have a contact with the process of elaboration of the Budget documents within the EU

-Have a contact with the Budget technics pursuing the efficiency of the public action, particularly in the analysis

  • The problems of the Budget process, their main lines, the importance of the information supplied
  • The use of the budget different technics pursuing the efficiency of the public sector activity. The role of the EU Parliament
  • Models of public management within EU
  • Main lines of Reform of the public management in the EU frame
  • Quality management as a tool in the field of public management
  • Horizon 2020 in EU. Beyond 2020. Strategy for 2030. FRONTEX and its development. Financial Frame 2021-2027
  • Brexit (real BREXIT?)
  • EU and its frontiers. FRONTEX

To confront and to solve legal controversies in relation with the legal frame in a multilevel scenario in the EU. Working in a cross-disciplinary context within the Law environment within EU and solving legal problems in this environment

To identify rules and documents within the legal frame in a multilevel scenario  as a result of the integration of the national level law frames in the different EU member states and the EU law frame. To find out, to analise and to apply the rules coming from the different EU institutions as well as the EU member states rules related to the EU rules

To find, to analise and to apply the Jurisprudence of the EU Courts as well as the EU member states jurisprudence related to the Multilevel european system

To build legal projects and proposals of law reforms in the multilevel european system composed by the EU rules and the EU member states rules

To make requests and petitions to the EU Institutions and the EU member states jurisdiction in order to apply the multilevel european system legal scenario

To make proposals of legal repports about contents belonging to the integrated multilevel legal system in EU and its member states

To know the implications , either in the budget process level or public management level, of the Organisations belonging to the EU scheme, considering the EU as a supranational organisation 

To be able to identify the difficulties coming from the lack of fiscal harmonisation to decide (in a homogeneus way)the budget efforts within the different EU member states in order to sustain the finances of the EU and its daily working process