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Curso 2021/2022/Subject's code24402669



  • BALDINGER, K. (1985). “Lengua y cultura: su relación en la lingüística histórica”. Revista Española de Lingüística, 15 (2), 247-276.
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  • DURANTI, A. (2007). Etnopragmatica. La forza nel parlare. Roma: Carocci Editore.
  • DURANTI, A. (2015) The Anthropology of Intentions: Language in a World of Others. Cambridge University Press.
  • FISHMAN, J. A. (1980). “The Whorfian Hypothesis: Varieties of valuation, confirmation and disconfirmation, I”. International Journal of the Sociology of Language, 26, 25-40.
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  • HAUGEN, E. (1977). “Linguistic relativity: miths and methods”. En: McCormack, W.; Wurm, S. (eds.) Language and Thought: Anthropological Issues. La Haya, Mouton, 11-28.
  • HOIJER, H. (1953). “The relation of language to culture”. En: Kroeber, A. L. (ed.) Anthropology today. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 554-573.
  • HYMES, D. (1964). “Cultural focus and semantic field. Introduction”. En Hymes, D. (ed.) Language in culture and society. New York, Harper, pp. 167-170.
  • LEE, D. (1938). “Conceptual implications of an Indian language”. Philosophy of Sciences, 5, 89 102.
  • LEE. D. (1959). “Linguistic reflection of Wintu thought”. En: Lee, D. (ed.) Freedom and culture. New York, Englewood Cliffs, 131-140.
  • LUCY, J. A. (1992a). Language diversity and thought. A reformulation of the linguistic relativity hipothesis. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
  • LUCY, J. A. (1992b). Grammatical Categories and Cognition: A Case Study of the Linguistic Relativity Hypothesis. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
  • MATHIOT, M. (1979). Ethnolinguistics: Boas, Sapir, and Whorf Revisisted. The Hague, Mouton.
  • MORANT MARCO, R.; PEÑARROYA, M. (1995). Llenguatge i cultura: per a una ecologia lingüística. Valencia, Universidad de Valencia.
  • SAPIR, E. (1949). The Selected Writings of Edward Sapir. Berkely, University of California.
  • SHARIFIAN, F.  (ed.) (2017). Advances in Cultural Linguistics. Singapur: Springer.
  • TAYLOR, J. R.; McCLAURY, R. E. (eds.) (1995). Language and the Cognitive Construal of the World. Berlin, Mouton de Gruyter.
  • WANDRUSZKA, M. (1976). Nuestros idiomas: comparables e incomparables. Madrid, Gredos.