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Curso 2021/2022/Subject's code24413057



Face-to-face Exam

Exam type
No hay prueba presencial


Face-to-face is required


The final paper will be marked out of 10 points and is worth 70% of the final mark, and it will consist in the analysis of a given literary work.

Paper Schedule:

  1. The instructions regarding the paper will be posted on the virtual course (‘Documentos’ folder)
  2. The student must upload the paper in a Word document (pdfs will not be accepted) to the "Tareas" section of the virtual course before 21st January, 2022. It should not contain more than 5 pages (double-spaced).
Qualification and evaluation criteria

The evaluation of this subject will try to check both the theoretical knowledge acquired by the students along the course, as well as the practical application of this knowledge in the exercises and analyses proposed in the different units and the final paper. Thus the assessment of the course will be based on the participation in the online forums, the PEC, and a paper. Assessment of the PEC and paper will be based on the following marking criteria:

  1. Students will be expected to produce a paper whose content is correct, precise, clearly exposed and well structured.
  2. They will also be expected to show appropriate use and command of the theoretical knowledge, methodology and analysis corresponding to the different discourse approaches studied.
  3. They will be required to show a high command of English grammar and written academic discourse.
  4. Students will also be expected to be creative and present an original piece of work, as well as to adhere to the assignment deadlines and observe the commonly accepted standards of academic honesty and intellectual integrity. THOSE RESORTING TO PLAGIARISM OR ACADEMIC FRAUD IN THE PEC OR THE PAPER WILL RECEIVE A ZERO GRADE.
  5. It is necessary to pass the paper with a minimum mark of 5 points so that the PEC mark and the participation in the online forums mark are added.
  6. The final mark is the result of the sum of these three marks. The sum of the three marks must be 5 points in order to pass the subject.
Final exam weighing in final grade
7/10, 70% of total final mark.
Approximate submission date

The final paper must include a sworn declaration of non-plagiarism, in agreement with the academic integrity code.

The September date for handing in the final paper is 05/09/2022


Si,PEC no presencial

The PEC is not compulsory, but is worth 20% of the final mark. The PEC will be marked out of 10 points. The purpose of the PEC is for students to acquire knowledge in an organized fashion, following a gradual learning process. Completing the PEC gives students the opportunity to assess their own comprehension, assimilation and ability to analyze and discuss the unit-related content and compulsory readings.

Description of the PEC:

The PEC will consist of some questions about the content of Units 1-3, and/or a short analysis of a literary text using the methodology and theoretical knowledge learned in these first three learning units.

PEC Schedule:  

1. The completed PEC should be uploaded in a Word document (pdfs will not be accepted) to the "Tareas" section of the virtual course before 10 December 2021. It should not contain more than 5 pages, double-spaced.


Qualification and evaluation criteria

The evaluation of this subject will try to check both the theoretical knowledge acquired by the students along the course, as well as the practical application of this knowledge in the exercises and analyses proposed in the different units and the final paper. Thus the assessment of the course will be based on the participation in the online forums, the PEC, and a paper. Assessment of the PEC and paper will be based on the following marking criteria:

  1. Students will be expected to produce a paper whose content is correct, precise, clearly exposed and well structured.
  2. They will also be expected to show appropriate use and command of the theoretical knowledge, methodology and analysis corresponding to the different discourse approaches studied.
  3. They will be required to show a high command of English grammar and written academic discourse.
  4. Students will also be expected to be creative and present an original piece of work, as well as to adhere to the assignment deadlines and observe the commonly accepted standards of academic honesty and intellectual integrity. THOSE RESORTING TO PLAGIARISM OR ACADEMIC FRAUD IN THE PEC OR THE PAPER WILL RECEIVE A ZERO GRADE.
  5. It is necessary to pass the paper with a minimum mark of 5 points so that the PEC mark and the participation in the online forums mark are added.
  6. The final mark is the result of the sum of these three marks. The sum of the three marks must be 5 points in order to pass the subject.
PEC weighing in final grade
2/10, 20% of final mark.
Approximate submission date

NOTA: No hay segunda fecha de entrega de la PEC para la convocatoria extraordinaria de septiembre. La nota de la PEC obtenida en la convocatoria de febrero/junio se guarda para la de septiembre.


Is there another activity / s that can be evaluated?
Si,no presencial


Students are expected to participate in the forums corresponding to each one of the units, where they should discuss any aspects or doubts with both the instructors and classmates.

Qualification and evaluation criteria

Assessment of the work done in the virtual course will be based on the following marking criteria:

  1. Students will be expected to participate in all the academic fora of the virtual course by showing they have studied the different topics of each one of the units.
  2. They will also be expected to show respect for the other participants' opinions and views. 
  3. They will be required to show a high command of English grammar and written academic discourse.
  4. Students will also be expected to provide creative answers to the questions posed, which entails a capacity for solving problems within the field of study.
Weighing in final grade
1/10, 10% of the final mark.
Approximate submission date
No hay fecha de entrega. Es permanente a lo largo del curso

How to obtain the final grade?

The final mark is the result of the sum of three marks: 1) the mark of the final paper, 2) the mark of the mid-term PEC, and 3) the mark obtained through the participation in the on-line forums. 

The sum of the three marks must be 5 points in order to pass the subject.


Student who submits the PEC:

PEC mark: 9 out of 10 (equivalent to 9 x 0,2 = 1,8 points)

Paper mark: 8 out of 10 (equivalent to 8 x 0,7 = 5,6 points)

Forum participation mark: 7 out of 10 (equivalent to 7 x 0,1 = 0,7 points)

Final mark: 1,8 + 5,6 + 0,7 = 8,1


Student who does not submit the PEC:

PEC mark: 0

Paper mark: 8 out of 10 (equivalent to 8 x 0,7 = 5,6 points)

Forum participation mark: 7 out of 10 (equivalent to 7 x 0,1 = 0,7 points)

Final mark: 5,6 + 0,7 = 6,3


Student who does not participate in the online forums:

PEC mark: 9 out of 10 (equivalent to 9 x 0,2 = 1,8 points)

Paper mark: 8 out of 10 (equivalent to 8 x 0,7 = 5,6 points)

Forum participation mark: 0

Final mark: 1,8 + 5,6 = 7,4


Student who does not submit the PEC and does not participate in the online forums:

PEC mark: 0

Paper mark: 8 out of 10 (equivalent to 8 x 0,7 = 5,6 points)

Forum participation mark: 0

Final mark: 5,6