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Curso 2023/2024/Subject's code22200534




Bachelard, G. (1940/1993) La filosofía del no. Madrid: Amorrortu


Barret, J.L. y Keil, F.C. (1996) Conceptualizing a nonnatural entity: Anthropomorphism in God concepts. Cognitive Psychology 31, 219-247.


Corral, A. (1998) De la lógica del adolescente a la lógica del adulto. Madrid: Trotta.


Harris, M., Fontana, A. F. y Noel Dowds, B. (1977) The World Hypotheses Scale: Rationale, Reliability and Validity. Journal of Personality Assessment, 41, 5, 537-547.


Kardash, C. M. Y Scholes, R. J. (1996) Effects of preexisting beliefs, epistemological beliefs, and need for cognition on interpretation of controversial issues. Journal of educational psychology, 88 (2), 260-271.


Kitchener, K. S. y King, P.M. (1981) Reflective judgment: Concepts of justification and their relationship to age and education. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 2, 89-116.


McClosky, H. y Brill, A. (1983) Dimensions of tolerance: what americans believe about civil liberties. New York: Russell Sage Foundation.


Ogborn, J., Kress, G., Martins, I. y McGillicuddy, K. (1996) Exploring Science in the classroom. Buckingham, Open University Press.


Rand, A. (1967/2022) Introducción a la epistemología objetivista. Barcelona: Ediciones Deusto.


Schommer, M. (1994) Synthesizing epistemological belief research: tentative understanding and provocative confusions. Educational Psychology Review, 6 (4), 293-319.


Schommer, M., Walker, K. (1995) Are epistemological beliefs similar across domains?. Journal of educational Psychology, 87 (3), 424- 432.


Schommer, M., Calvert, Ch., Gariglietti y Bajaj, A. (1997) The development of epistemological beliefs among secondary students: a longitudinal study. Journal of educational Psychology, 89 (1), 37-40.


Super, Ch. M. y Harkness (2003) The Metaphors of Development. Human Development, 46: 3-23.


Turiel, E., Killen, M. Y Helwig, Ch. C. (1987) Morality: its structure, functions, and vagaries. En J. Kagan y S. Lamb: The emergence of morality in young children. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.


Zacarés, J.J. y Serra, E. (1998) La madurez personal: perspectivas desde la psicología. Madrid, Pirámide.