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Curso 2023/2024/Subject's code24402993



Esta es la relación de Bibliografía recomendada, pero en el espacio virtual de la asignatura se especificarán más concretamente los conceptos.

BAIER-ALLEN, Susanne & CUCIC, Ljubomir. (eds.). The Challenges of Pluriculturality in Europe. Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellshaft (in cooperation with Europe House Zagreb).
BASSNETT, SUSAN & LEFEVERE, ANDRÉ. (1990). Translation, History and Culture, Londres: Printer.
BASSNET, Susan & TRIVEDI, Harish. (eds.). (1999) Post-colonial Translation. Theory and Practice. Londres-Nueva York: Routledge, 19-40.
BERMAN, Antoine. (1984). The Experience of the Foreign. Trad. S. Heyvaert. (1992). Nueva York: State University of Nueva York Press.
BHABHA, Homi K. (1994). The Location of Culture. Londres-Nueva York: Routledge.
BUDICK, Sanford & ISER, Wolfang. (1996). The Translatability of Cultures: Figurations of the Space Between. Stanford: Stanford Un. Press.
CALZADA PÉREZ, María. (ed.). (2003) Apropos of Ideology. Translation Studies on Ideology–Ideologies in Translation Studies. Manchester: St. Jerome
GROSSBERG, Lawrence; NELSON, Cary & TREICHLER, Paula (eds.). (1992). Cultural Studies. Londres-Nueva York: Routledge.
JETTMAROVÁ, Zuzana & KAINDL, Klaus. (eds.). (1995). Translation as Intercultural Communication. Amsterdam: J. Benjamins.
LEFEVERE, André. (1992). Translation, Rewriting, and the Manipulation of Literary Fame. Londres-Nueva York: Routledge.
HATIM, Basil & MASON, Ian. (1990). Discourse and the Translator. Londres: Longman.. (Traducción española: Teoría de la traducción. Una aproximación al discurso, Ariel: Barcelona, 1995).
SIMON, Sherry & ST. PIERRE, Paul (eds.). (2000) Changing the terms. Translating in the postcolonial era. Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press.
VENUTI, Lawrence. (ed.). (2000). The Translation Studies Reader. Londres-Nueva York: Routledge.