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Curso 2023/2024/Subject's code24409263




The learning activities presented in the Contents section of this guide are structured around the state of the art in each of the themes that make up MALL and are of interest to the students. The methodological aspects related to these activities are as follows:

  1. Synthesis of the state of the issue with academic articles and other contents, exercises, etc. -> methodology: Reading the key literature and carrying out a short essay or presentation individually or in pairs.
  2. Individual tutorials -> methodology: Resolution of doubts, queries and follow up of works by email and/or in the forum.
  3. Individual work -> methodology: Autonomous work on the part of the student.

This course on Mobile Assisted Language Learning (henceforth, MALL) requires a continuous study throughout the semester, where the theoretical and practical concepts related to the state of the art of the use of mobile devices for teaching and learning languages can be assimilated. To help students use their time wisely and effectively in this subject, a fortnightly plan will be provided, together with suggested activities, since it will be very difficult to assimilate the subject if the work is left to the end of the term!

This subject on MALL corresponds to 5 ECTS (European credits). One credit is equivalent to 25 hours of study, which implies about 125 hours of study in total over the 12 weeks generally available for the course.