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Curso 2023/2024/Subject's code24413108



Fuentes Primarias:

Tema 1. Historical Literature and History as Literature.

- Wilfred Owen and Siegfried Sassoon’s War Poems:

- “Dulce et decorum est”

- “Anthem, for doomed youth”

- “Survivors”

- “Does it Matter?”


- “Suicide in the Trenches”

Barker, Pat. The Regeneration Trilogy (Regeneration, The Eye in the Door, The Ghost Road) London: Penguin, 2014

Tema 2. History, Text and Discourse.

Phillips, Caryl. 1998. The Nature of Blood. London: Faber & Faber.

Tema 3. Historiographic Metafiction

Atwood, Margaret. 2005. The Penelopiad. London: Canongate.

Tema 4. The Return of the Repressed

Figes, Eva. 2004 (2003). Tales of Innocence and Experience: An Exploration. London: Bloomsbury.

Fuentes Secundarias:

Estudios críticos sobre las obras:

Tema 1. Historical Literature and History as Literature.

Tate, Trudi. 2009. “The First World War: British writing”. In
The Cambridge Companion to War Writing. McLoughlin, Kate (ed.) New York: Cambridge University Press, pp. 160-174 (UNIT 1)

Joyes, Kaley. 2009. “Regenerating Wilfred Owen: Pat Barker’s Revisions”. Mosaic: A Journal for the Interdisciplinary Study of Literature, 42.3: 169-183 (UNIT 1)

De La Concha Muñoz, Angeles, 2013. “Seeing into the Great War Patriarchal Discourse and Practices through the Male Gaze: Pat Barker’s Regeneration Trilogy”. EPOS XXIX (2013), 347-356 (UNIT 1)

Tema 2. History, Text and Discourse.

De La Concha Muñoz, Angeles, 2000. “The End of History? Or is it? Circularity versus Progress in Caryl Phillips' The Nature of Blood”. Miscelánea, 22 (2000): 1-19 (UNIT 2)

Tema 3. Historiographic Metafiction

Vevaina, Coomi S. 2006. “Margaret Atwood and history”.
The Cambridge Companion to Margaret Atwood. Howells, Coral Ann (ed.) Cambridge: New York, pp. 86-99 (UNIT 3)

Tema 4. The Return of the Repressed.

Almagro, Manuel and Carolina Sánchez-Palencia. 2000. “Eva Figes: An Interview”. Atlantis, vol. 22.1: 177-186 (UNIT 4)


1.1. Introduction to the critical debate on the nature of history and its relationship with literature.

1.2. Types of postmodern historical novels.

Berkhofer, Robert F. 1997. “The Postmodernist Challenge” and “The New Rhetoric, Poetics, and Criticism”. In Beyond the Great Story. History and Text and Discourse. Cambridge. Mass: Harvard University Press, pp. 1-25; 76-105 (Chapters 1, 4) (UNIT 1)

2.1. The linguistic turn. The narrativisation of history: questions of representation, referentiality and thruthfulness.

Gopal, Priyamvada. 2004. “Reading subaltern history”. In The Cambridge Companion to Postcolonial Literary Studies. Lazarus, Neil (ed.). Cambridge, New York: Cambridge University Press, pp. 139-161. (UNIT 2)

2.2. Facts and their interpretation: challenging historical positivism. Hayden White and his theory on “The historical text as literary artefact” (1978).

White, Hayden. 1966. “The Burden of History”. History and Theory, Vol. 5.2 (1966): 111-134 (UNIT 2)

——. 1984. “The Question of Narrative in Contemporary Historical Theory”. History and

Theory, Vol. 23.1 (Feb., 1984): 1-33 (UNIT 2)

2.3. Form creating meaning: structuring the events in a narrative, temporal order, narrative voice, focalization, etc. The politics of the point of view.

Rujas Martínez-Novillo, Javier. 2010. “Genealogía y Discurso: de Nietzsche a Foucault”. Nómadas: Revista Crítica de Ciencias Sociales y Jurídicas, 26 (2010) (UNIT 2)

3.1. Definition and main features. Self-reflexivity and historiographic reflection.

Hutcheon, Linda. 1988. “Theorizing the postmodern: toward a poetics” and “Historiographic metafiction: the pastime of past time”. In A Poetics of Postmodernism: History, Theory, Fiction. New York and London: Routledge; pp. 3-21, 22-36, 105-123, 123-140 (Chapters 1, 7[v2] ) (UNITS 1&3)

Onega, Susana. 1997. “The mythical impulse in British historiographic metafiction”.

European Journal of English Studies, ISSN 1382-5577, 08/1997, Volumen 1, Número 2, pp. 184 –204 (UNIT 3)

3.2. Restating history and exposing its untruthfulness. The relationship between fiction and reality.

Waugh, Patricia. 2003 (1988). “What is metafiction and why are they saying such awful things about it?” and “Literary self-consciousness: developments”. In Metafiction. New York: Routledge, pp. 1.20; 21-62 (chapters 1, 2) (UNIT 3)

4.1. The recovery of history: decentring, diversity and perspectivism. The politics of microstories vs. macro-story or “The Great Story”.

Cetinic, Maria. (2010). “Sympathetic conditions: Toward a new ontology of trauma”.

Discourse, 32 (3): 285-301, 359 (UNIT 4)

4.2. Revisiting and recovering the past from the excluded versions of history and the culturally marginalised: literary re-writings and traumas’ upwelling.

Hartman, Geoffrey J. 2003. “Trauma within the Limits of Literature”. European Journal of English Studies, 7/3, pp. 257-274 (UNIT 4)