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Curso 2023/2024/Subject's code26602529



Knowledge: Students are expected to acquire extensive and advanced knowledge of the EU Human Rights. Students will be able to discuss law in cultural, historic, and/or religious characteristics. Students will be able to apply case-law knowledge. Students will be able to discuss stages and statuses of ethnic and religious Identity. Students will be able to apply religion identity development theories in order to protect freedom of thought, conscience and religion. Learning will be based on the materials referred to or provided by the teaching staff. If required, academic guidance will be available on-line. In this regard, the teaching staff is committed to providing guidance that is tailored to the specific needs of individual students.


Skills: Students are expected to develop their ability to find their way through the complex EU Human Rights framework.  One of the crucial skills to be honed by students is the selection, usage and management of documentary sources, jurisprudence and doctrinal materials.


Attitudes: A good disposition towards autonomous work is essential to maximize the results of the course. This combination of knowledge, skills and attitudes will prepare students for the task of understanding the protection of Freedom of conscience, thought and religion in a multicultural Europe.