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Curso 2023/2024/Subject's code27040192



Ardevol, E. & Gómez Cruz, E.. (2013). Digital Ethnography and Media Practices. En The International Encyclopedia of Media Studies, First Edition. General Editor Angharad N. Valdivia. Volume VII: Research Methods in Media Studies. Edited by Fabienne Darling­Wolf:

Bayre, F., Harper, K., & Alfonso, A. I. (2016). Participatory approaches to visual ethnography from the digital to the handmade. an introduction. Visual Ethnography, 5(1): 5–13

Beaulieu, A. (2004). Mediating Ethnography: Objectivity and the Making of Ethnographies of the Internet. Social Epistemology, 18(2-3): 139,163. En:

Berger,J.(2005) Modos de ver. Editorial Gustavo Gili, S.L.: Barcelona

Caiuby Novaes, S. (2010).El filme etnográfico: autoría, autenticidad y recepción. Revista Chilena de Antropología Visual - número 15 - Santiago, Agosto 2010 - 103/125 pp. Enhttp://autoría, autenticidad y recepción. Sylvia Caiuby Novaes ... › imagenes15 › imprimir › ca...

Coleman, G. (2010). Ethnographic Approaches to Digital Media. Annual Review of Anthropology, 39: 487-505.

Cox, R., Wright, C., Fardon, R., & Gledhill, J. (2012). Blurred Visions: Reflecting Visual Anthropology.n The SAGE Handbook of Social Anthropology (Vol. 2, pp. 116-129). Sage Publications Ltd. (PDF)

Estalella, A. (2011)  “e-research: desafíos y oportunidades para las ciencias sociales. Convergencia [online]. 2011, vol.18, n.55, pp.87-111. En:

Estalella (2011) Hacia la ética de la investigación como un espacio epistémico. Dilemas en la indagación antropológica de Internet.

Franzke, Aline shakti, Bechmann, Anja, Zimmer, Michael, Ess, Charles and the Association of Internet Researchers (2020). Internet Research: Ethical Guidelines 3.0¿.

Fortun, K.; Fortun, M.; Bigras, E.; Saheb, T.; Costelloe-Kuehn, B.; Crowder, J.; Price, D. y Kenner, A. (2014). Experimental ethnography online. The asthma files. Cultural Studies, 28(4): 632-642. En:

Grau Rebollo, J. (2002) Antropología audiovisual. Barcelona: Bellaterra. Partes 3, 4, 5 y 6

Guilliam R. (2019) “Investigación con materiales visuales” y “Hacia una metodología visual crítica”. Metodologías visuales. Una introducción a la investigación con materiales visuales. Ed. CENDEAC: Murcia.

Horst, H. y Miller, D. (Eds.) (2012). Digital Anthropology. Oxford: Berg Publishers.

Jo Tacchi(2012) Digital Engagement: Voice and Participation in Development . En Horst, H. y

Latzko-Toth, G., Bonneau, C. & Millette, M. (2017). Small Data, Thick Data: Thickening Strategies for Trace-based Social Media Research. In L. Sloan & A. Quan-Haase (Eds.), The SAGE handbook of social media research methods.

MacDougall, D. “The visual in Anthropology” En Marcus Banks, Howard Morphy (1997) Rethinking visual anthropology  Yale University Press: New Haven; London. (Pp- 276-295p.)

Middha, B. (2018). "Everyday digital engagements: using food selfies on Facebook to explore eating practices." Communication Research and Practice 4(3): 291-306

Miller, D. (Eds.) (2012). Digital Anthropology. Oxford: Berg Publishers.

Miller, D. (2015) Photography in the Age of Snapchat.  Issue 1 of Anthropology & photography, Publisher, Royal Anthropological Institute. En:

Miller, D. and Heather A. Horst (2012) The Digital and the Human: A Prospectus for Digital Anthropology (Introduction). En Horst, H. y Miller, D. (Eds.) (2012). Digital Anthropology. Oxford: Berg Publishers.

Miller, D. (2015) Photography in the Age of Snapchat.  Issue 1 of Anthropology & photography, Publisher, Royal Anthropological Institute. En:

Moreno Andrés, J. (2014) La vida social de las fotografías de represaliados políticos durante el franquismo. En Anales del Museo Nacional de Antropología XVI/2014.

Møller, K., & Robards, B. (2019). Walking through, going along and scrolling back: Ephemeral mobilities in digital ethnography. Nordicom Review¿, 40¿(s1), 95-109.

Marcus Banks & Richard Vokes (2010) Introduction:  Anthropology, Photography and the Archive, History and Anthropology, 21:4, 337-349 En:http://Introduction: Anthropology, Photography and the Archive ... › abs

Pink, S. (2001) “Clasificando e interpretando materiales fotográficos y de video”, en  Visual Ethnography. Images, Media and Representation in Research. Sage: Longres. Cap 5.(traducido)

Pink, S. (2014) ‘Digital-Visual-Sensory-Design Anthropology: ethnography, imagination and intervention’ Arts and Humanities in Higher Education, 13(4): 412-427

Pink, S.; Ardèvol, E. y Lanzeni, D. (2016). Digital Materialities. Design and Anthropology. London: Bloomsbory. En: (capítulos 1 y 10).

Pink, S., V. Fors and M. Glöss (2017) ‘Automated Futures and the Mobile Present: in-car video ethnographies’ Ethnography.

Pink, S. (2015) Doing Sensory Ethnography. SAGE Publications, Ltd,

Pink, s. Horst, H., Postill, J, et al (2019) Etnografía Digital. Principios y prácticas. Ediciones Morata.

Postill, J. and S. Pink ‘(2012) ‘Social Media ethnography: the digital researcher in a messy web’, MIA (Media International Australia), 145: 123–134.

Tiidenberg, K. (2018). Ethics in Digital Research. In Uwe Flick (Ed) Handbook of Qualitative Data Collection. Sage.