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Curso 2023/2024/Subject's code28040053



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Camacho, A.M.; Domingo, R.; Rubio, E.M.; González, C.: 2005. Analysis of the influence of back-pull in drawing process by the finite element method, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, vol. 164-165, pp. 1167-1174.

Camacho, A.M.; Torralvo, A.I.; Bernal, C.; Sevilla, L.: 2013. Investigations on friction factors in metal forming of industrial alloys. Procedia Engineering, vol. 63, 564-572.

Camacho, A.M.; Rodríguez-Prieto, A.; Herrero, J.M.; Aragón, A.M.; Bernal, C.; Lorenzo-Martín, C.; Yanguas-Gil, A.; Martins, P.A.F.: 2019. An experimental and numerical analysis of the compression of bimetallic cylinders, Materials, vol. 12 (4049), pp. 1-19, doi: 10.3390/ma12244094.

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Rubio E.M., Camacho A.M., Pérez R., Marín M.M.: 2017, Guidelines for selecting plugs used in thin-walled tube drawing processes of metallic alloys, Metals, vol. 7, pp. 572-590.

Rubio, E.M.: 2006, Analytical methods application to the study of tube drawing processes with fixed conical inner plug: Slab and Upper Bound Methods, Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, vol. 4(1-2), pp. 119-130.

Rubio E.M., Camacho A.M., Pérez R., Marín M., 2017. Guidelines for selecting plugs used in thin-walled tube drawing processes of metallic alloys, Metals, ISSN 2075-4701; DOI 10.3390/met7120572, 7 (12): 572.

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Talbert, S.H.; Avitzur, B.: Elementary mechanics of plastic flow in metal forming, John Wiley, New York, 1996.

Tschaetsch, H.: Metal forming practice. Processes, machines, tools, Springer-Verlag, Dresden, 2006.

Varios: Metals Handbook, Volumen 14: Forming and forging, 9th Ed., American Society for Metals, Metals Park, Ohio, 1988.

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Zienkiewicz, O.C.; Taylor, R.L.: El método de los elementos finitos: Mecánica de sólidos, vol. 2, 5ª Ed. McGraw-Hill, Barcelona, 2004.

Zienkiewicz, O.C.; Taylor, R.L.: The finite element method: its bases and fundamentals, 6th Ed. lsevier, Amsterdam, 2005.