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KNAFO S., BARKAI E., LIBERSAT F., SANDI C., VENERO, C.(2005). Dynamics of olfactory learning-induced up-regulation of L1 in the piriform cortex and the hippocampus. Eur. J. Neurosci. 21 (2): 581-586.

VENERO C., Guadaño-Ferraz A, Herrero A.I., Nordström K., Manzano J., Moreale-Escobar G., Bernal J., Vennström B. (2005). Anxiety, memory impairment and locomotor dysfunction caused by a mutant thyroid hormone receptor alpha 1 can be ameliorated by T3 treatment. Genes and Development 19 (18): 2152-2163

HERRERO A.I., Sandi C., Venero C.(2006). Individual differences in anxiety trait are related to spatial learning abilities and hippocampal expression of mineralocorticoid receptors.Neurobiology of Learning and Memory 86(2):150-159.

LÓPEZ-GRANCHA M, López-Crespo, G, Venero, C, Cañadas, F., Fernando Sánchez-Santed, F, Sandi, C, Flores, P. (2006) Differences in corticosterone level due to inter-food interval length: implications for schedule-induced polydipsia. Hormones and Behavior 49(2):166-72.

MONTERO-PEDRAZUELA A, Venero C, Lavado-Autric1 R, Fernández-Lamo I, García-Verdugo JM, Bernal J, Guadaño-Ferraz A. (2006). Modulation of adult hippocampal neurogenesis by thyroid hormones: implications in depressive-like behaviour. Molecular Psychiatry 11(4):361-7.

VENERO C., Herrero A.I. Touyarot K., Cambon K., López-Fernández M.A., Berezin V., Bock E., Sandi C. (2006). Hippocampal upregulation of NCAM expression and polysialylation plays a key role on the consolidation of spatial information.European Journal of Neuroscience 23(6):1585-95.

PERAITA, H. (Ed.) (2006) Envejecimiento y Enfermedad de Alzheimer.  Aspectos psicológicos, neurológicos y legales. Ed. Trotta, Madrid. 2006. ISBN 84-8164-842-6. Págs. 215.

PERAITA, H. (2006) El deterioro cognitivo ligero de la tercera edad. En Peraita, H (Ed).  Envejecimiento y Enfermedad de Alzheimer. Aspectos psicológicos, neurológicos y legales. Ed. Trotta, Madrid. 2006. ISBN: 84-8164-842-6. Pgs.11-35

LÓPEZ-FERNÁNDEZ M.A.., MONTARON M.F., ROUGON G., VENERO. C, ABROUS D.N., Sandi C. (2007). Upregulation of Polysialylated Neural Cell Adhesion Molecule in the Dorsal Hippocampus Following Contextual Fear Conditioning is Involved in Long-Term Memory Formation. Journal of Neuroscience 27(17):4552-61.

RIZHOVA L., Klementiev B., Cambon K., Venero C., Sandi C., Vershinina E., Vaudano E., Berezin V., Bock E. (2007). Effects of P2, a peptide derived from a homophilic binding site in NCAM, on learning and memory in rats. Neuroscience – 23;149(4):931-42.

LÓPEZ-FERNÁNDEZ M.A, MONTARON M.F., ROUGON G., VENERO C, ABROUS D.N., Sandi C. (2007). Upregulation of Polysialylated Neural Cell Adhesion Molecule in the Dorsal Hippocampus Following Contextual Fear Conditioning is Involved in Long-Term Memory Formation. Journal of Neuroscience 27(17):4552-61.

PERAITA, H. y DÍAZ, C. (2007) “Identification and follow-up of mild cognitive impairment subgroups in a Spanish cohort”. In A. Garriga-Trillo (Ed.)  Converging research on predictors of cognitive impairment and neurodegenerative diseases (pp. 43-51). Sevilla: Publidisa, 2007.

RIZHOVA L., Klementiev B., Cambon K., Venero C., Sandi C., Vershinina E., Vaudano E., Berezin V., Bock E. (2007). Effects of P2, a peptide derived from a homophilic binding site in NCAM, on learning and memory in rats. Neuroscience – 23;149(4):931-42.

VALENCIA, A. (2007) “Neurosteroids as biological predictors of cognitive and emotional changes in aging and neurodegenerative diseases”. In  A.J. Garriga-Trillo (Ed.). ‘Converging research on predictors of cognitive impairment and neurodegenerative diseases’.Sevilla: Publidisa, pp. 79-105.

VENERO, C (2007) “Chronic stress as a risk factor for aged-related cognitive decline”. In  A.J. Garriga-Trillo (Ed.). ‘Converging research on predictors of cognitive impairment and neurodegenerative diseases’.Sevilla: Publidisa, p. 107-128.

BORCEL E, Pérez-Alvarez L, Herrero AI, Brionne T, Varea E, Berezin V, Bock E, Sandi C, Venero C. (2008).Chronic  stress in adulthood followed by intermittent stress impairs spatial memory and the survival of newborn hippocampal cells in aging animals: prevention by FGL, a peptide mimetic of neural cell adhesion molecule. Behavioral Pharmacology 19(1):41-49.

PERAITA, H.  DÍAZ, C. y  ANLLO-VENTO, L. (2008) Processing   of semantic relations in normal aging and Alzheimer’s disease. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology.  23: 33-46. Top 25 Hottest Articles (january-march 2008)

DÍAZ, C. (2008) Principales trastornos en la edad adulta y en el envejecimiento. En Delgado, B. (Ed.), Psicología del Desarrollo: De la infancia tardía a la vejez. Madrid: McGraw-Hill - UNED, pgs. 199-212.

DÍAZ, C. y  PERAITA, H. (2008) Cognitive intervention programme in a bilingual Alzheimer patient. Revista de Psicopatología y Psicología Clínica,  13: 3, 219-228.

DÍAZ, C. Y PERAITA, H. (2008) Detección precoz del deterioro cognitivo ligero de la tercera edad.
Revista: Psicothema, vol. 20: 3,  438-444.      

DIAZ, C. y PERAITA, H. (2008) La detección precoz del Deterioro Cognitivo Ligero en personas mayores.

Revista: INFOCOP ONLINE 2007. ISBN: 1886-1385.
Fecha de publicación 18-11-2008.  

DÍAZ, C. (2009) Las personas mayores dependientes a causa del deterioro cognitivo y su atención por los centros residenciales. En: La protección de las personas mayores: Apoyo familiar y prestaciones sociales. Dir. Lasarte Álvarez y Gallego Domínguez. ISBN en DVD: 978-84-613-5120-6 y CD 978-84-613-5121-2009.

DIAZ, C., GARCÍA, S. y PERAITA, H. (2009) Estimación de la influencia de algunas variables de calidad de vida en los resultados de un conjunto de pruebas neuropsicológicas. Revista Española de Geriatría y Gerontología, vol. 44 (01): 25-30.  

DÍAZ, C. GARCÍA, S. y PERAITA H. (2009) Is it time for an in-depth revision of the concept of mild cognitive impairment as a prodrome of Alzheimer disease? Abstract in the Journal of Nutrition, Health and Aging, 19th IAGG World Congress of Gerontology and Geriatrics. Abstract Book (S332) july 2009.

VENERO C, KNAFO S, MERINO-SERRAIS P, FERNAUD-ESPINOSA I, GONZALEZ-SORIANO J, FERRER I, SANTPERE G, DEFELIPE J. (2009). Morphological alterations to neurons of the amygdala and impaired fear conditioning in a transgenic mouse model of Alzheimer's disease. Journal of Pathology - 219(1):41-51.

DÍAZ, C., GARCÍA, S y PERAITA, H. (2010)  Detección precoz del DCL y conversión a la enfermedad de Alzheimer: un estudio longitudinal de casos. Psicogeriatría. Abril-Junio Vol. 2:2,  105-111. 

GOÑI, J., ARRONDO, G., SEPULCRE, J., MARTINCORENA, I., VÉLEZ DE MENDIZABAL, N., BEJARANO, B., ARDANZA-TREVIJANO, S, PERAITA, H., WALL, D.P. and VILLOSLADA, P. Conceptual modular organization and differential switching/clustering retrieval: evidence from network theory and semantic verbal fluency tasks. Cognitive process. DOI: 10.1007/s10339-010-0372-x. 1-7. 2010.

SEPULCRE, J., PERAITA, H., GOÑI, J., ARRONDO, G., MARTINCORENA, I., DUQUE, B., VELEZ, N., MASDEU, J.C., and VILLOSLADA, P. Lexical access impairment in Multiple Sclerosis: A 2-year follow-up study. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology. DOI: 10.1080/13803395.2010.499354. 1-7. 2010.

PERAITA, H. GARCÍA, S. Y DÍAZ, C. (2011)  Evolution of specific cognitive subprofiles of mild cognitive impairment in a three-year longitudinal study. Enviado a Current Aging Science y aceptado para su publicación en septiembre de 2010.


PERAITA, H.,.Hernández-Tamames, J.A., .Dobato, J.L., Díaz, C. Seco de Herrera, A.G., García, S.,Linera, J.A.  (2009) Neuropsychological and imaging (MR) biomarkers in the early detection of Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI)". Póster 3nd World Congress on Controversias in Neurology (CONy). Praga 8-11, octubre 2009.  Best Poster Prize: premiado como mejor póster del congreso.

PEREDA I, Cruces J, Valencia A, Zamora-Crespo B, De la Fuente M y Venero, C   (2010) ''Social isolation at aging increases anxiety levels, impairs behavioural flexibility and compromises immune system function”. Póster Libro de Abstract, 176.50. The 7th Forum of European Neuroscience, FENS Forum of European Neuroscience (Amsterdam, july 3-7, 2010).

VENERO C, Gambini J, Pereda Pérez I, Bonet Costa V, Valencia A, Viña J (2010) “Social isolation at aging impairs spatial learning and increases oxidative stress”. Póster Libro de Abstract, 176.79. The 7th Forum of European Neuroscience, FENS Forum of European Neuroscience (Amsterdam, july 3-7, 2010).

PEREDA-Pÿ¿REZ I, Cruces J, Valencia A., De la Fuente M, Venero C (2010) ‘'Impaired cognitive function, reduced cingulated cortex volume and compromised immunocompetence after social isolation at aging’’. Póster Cantoblanco Workshop on Memory Formation and Memory Loss.  CBMSO (CSIC), Madrid 2010. 

VENERO C, García S, Díaz C, Valencia A, Pereda-Pérez I, Rol MA, Ortiz-Tudela E, Martinez-Nicolás A, Madrid JA, Peraita H (2010) ''Salivary cortisol in cognitively normal elderly, non-amnestic and multidomain mild cognitive impairment’’.

Póster Cantoblanco Workshop on Memory Formation and Memory Loss. CBMSO (CSIC), Madrid 2010.


VENERO C; García S, Díaz C, Valencia A, Pereda Pérez I, Rol MA, Ortíz Tudela E, Martínez Nicolás, A, Madrid JA y Peraita H (2010 ) “Marcadores neuropsicológicos y secreción circadiana de cortisol en la detección precoz del deterioro cognitivo ligero” . Póster Libro de Abstract 16.23. P 52. IV Reunión Nacional SEMEG (Sociedad Española de Medicina Geriátrica) 14-16 de abril, 2010.