This title is aimed at both specialized professional practice and initiation into research activity in this field.
Currently, the exercise of professional guidance is made up of a set of occupations and positions that make up a relatively new professional field in the workplace, and which has grown in recent decades to the rhythm of social needs and the development of the welfare society. Thus, in the various contexts of the employment system, there are several names to designate similar positions, expressed below:
• Technician in employment and labor insertion: Professional who participates in programs and actions aimed at the labor insertion of unemployed people in general and of those with special difficulties (young people, women, over 45 years old, immigrants or people with disabilities). It performs functions related to direct intervention with the users of the programs (orientation, information, training), with the management of job boards (intermediation), with the management of subsidies and unemployment benefits (in offices of the State Public Service Employment and regional employment services), with training in personal and job skills to find or change jobs, training companies and social services.
• Job Coach: A professional who works as a counselor, advisor or personal trainer for an employee, manager, unemployed person, student or others, who are in a time of transition, change or job growth. In reality, this figure is not new: they are job counselors, self-employment advisers, managerial skills trainers and other professionals whose objective is to promote the development of new behaviors and attitudes that allow them to acquire techniques to grow professionally, improve performance work, better manage time, find or change jobs, create a company, or improve your relationships with the work environment. The usual way of working is through individualized tutoring (although there are also group sessions).
• Socio-labor insertion agent: Socio-labor insertion has become one of the priority objectives of western societies. From the economic perspective, it is associated with the fight against unemployment, especially the one that affects the groups with the highest risk of exclusion, that is, those with the highest levels or rates of unemployment (women, youth, people with disabilities, immigrants , etc.). They can carry out these functions in services or areas of City Halls or Local Administration; Supra-Municipal or Regional Entities; Provincial Entities; and independent entities of public bodies.
• Labor Counselor: Professional whose objective is to design itineraries for insertion and work-life balance. Linked to the social intervention area, they have as users, on the one hand, people with specific difficulties of access and permanence in the labor market, and on the other hand, the general population in transition (first job, unemployment to employment, employment precarious to stable) for those who propose the most appropriate measures for the development of an adequate working career (improvement of qualification, modifications in coping, training in job search techniques, information on the labor market, special intermediation strategies, and others).
• Equal opportunities agent: Professional who designs, directs, coordinates, streamlines, implements, manages and evaluates positive action plans, programs, projects and campaigns related to equal opportunities between women and men in different professional areas and settings. His professional settings are located primarily in the fields closest to the needs of citizens. Local administrations (city councils, county councils), county units, women's associations and unions constitute those spaces in which rights, possibilities and capacities for collective action are specified, and therefore it is revealed as an immediate channel of intervention in equality of opportunities. The media, the publishers, while occupying a strategic position in the creation of currents of opinion and in the persistence of certain values âÂÂâÂÂand norms; and companies as spaces in which the imbalance in relationships must be corrected are also areas of action.
This set of occupations has a common profile of competences, although they may give rise to more specific profiles depending on the recipients, the contexts and the orientation needs raised.
It is also worth mentioning other more indirect ways for which the skills developed through the Master may be to some extent transferable and complementary; however, their performance would also require other specific qualifications in the field of human resources. This is the case of occupations such as manager of organization training, human resources technician and personnel selection technician.
Like good guidance professionals, this professional field needs feedback from basic and applied research, which provides evidence about the phenomena and the social and personal dimensions that intervene in these processes of professional development and guidance intervention. Hence the research orientation that this Master also adopts.
For this, the Master includes, in a cross-sectional way and in close connection with the contents and subjects of the study plan, training in various research methods and techniques. Likewise, each student, through his Master's Final Project, will put into practice a series of investigative competences, whether from basic or applied research. In this way, and in accordance with Royal Decree 1393/2007, which establishes the organization of university education, this Master's degree allows access to Doctoral studies in the research period.
Therefore, the training of professionals committed to quality and whose future dedication could be aimed at innovation and the generation of new proposals and advances in the field of professional guidance is intended.
Job bank for graduates of the Master of UNED
In collaboration with the Guidance, Information and Employment Center / Centro de Orientación, Información y Empleo (COIE), a job bank will be managed for the Master's graduates, thus promoting their employment. This bag will collect, on the one hand, job offers with professional profiles associated with the Master published by employers; and on the other, the CVs of the graduates who wish to be part of the database. Through this exchange, job offers will be disseminated and free pre-selections of candidates will be made to companies and employers that request it.