The UNED has an Internal Quality Assurance System (SGIC-U) that covers all its official bachelor's, master's and doctoral degrees, as well as the services it offers, the design of which was certified by ANECA.
The SGIC-U contemplates all the necessary processes to ensure the quality of its teaching staff, resources and services for students: access, admission and reception, external internships, mobility programs, academic guidance and labor insertion, the monitoring and evaluation of the results of the training, the attention to suggestions and claims and the adequacy of the support staff, among others.
Those responsible for the SGIC are:
The Title Coordinating Commission
The Quality Assurance Commission of the Center
The Dean or Management Team
The UNED Quality Assurance Commission
Through the Statistical Portal, the UNED provides information to the entire university community both on the results of training and the satisfaction results of the different groups involved.
SGIC documents of the title:
Main performance results
Satisfaction results of the different groups
Quality in the Center
The Internal Quality Assurance System of the UNED has been verified by ANECA in the first call for the AUDIT Program (2009), receiving full certification for this System. This certification indicates that the SGIC is applicable to all Master's degrees taught at the UNED. The Master's Coordination Commission (CCM) is the body responsible for the program's SGIC. Likewise, this commission is responsible for guaranteeing the existence of mechanisms to obtain information regarding the development of the program.
The teaching coordination mechanisms that the degree has are included in the document: “Updating of the procedures of organization and academic management of the official University Masters and Doctorate of the UNED, for its adaptation in the provisions of the RD. 1393/2007”, approved by agreement of the Governing Council dated December 16, 2008. Said document states that to facilitate the internal academic coordination of each Degree, and with the academic decision-making bodies of the Center, a Commission will be constituted Center Master's Degree Coordination, responsible for the organization and control of results.
The Center Master's Degree Coordination Commission is made up of:
Director of the ETS of Computer Engineering
Coordinator of the Master: Dr. D. Miguel Rodríguez Artacho
Secretary of the Master: Dr. D. Agustín Caminero Herráez
Representative of the Administration and Services Staff: Ms. Aída Calvo Candano
Student representative: Alberto Llorente Mediavilla
Department Representatives:
DIA: Dr. D. Luis de la Torre Cubillo / Dra. Ms. Natividad Duro Carralero (alternate)
IA: Dr. D. Félix de la Paz López
ISSI: Dr. Ms. Magdalena Clay Cobián / Dr. Juan José Escribano Ródenas (alternate)
LSI: Dra. Ms. Covadonga Rodrigo San Juan
SCC: Dr. D. Roberto Hernández Berlinches / Dr. Ms. María Carolina Mañoso Hierro (alternate)