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Curso 2023/2024/Subject's code22200483



BLOQUE 1: Introducción a la investigación en Psicología de la atención y percepción

  • Luna, D. y Tudela, P. (2007). Percepción Visual. Madrid: Trotta
  • Munar, E., Rosselló, J. y Sánchez-Cabaco, A. (Eds.) (1999). Atención y Percepción. Madrid: Alianza Editorial
  • Fuentes, L. y García-Sevilla, J. (2008). Manual de Psicología de la Atención. Una perspectiva neurocientífica. Madrid: Sintesis
  • Milner, A. D. & Goodale, M. A. 2006. The Visual Brain in Action, Second Edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Driver, J. (2001). A selective review of selective attention research from the past century. British Journal of Psychology, 92, 53-78.
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BLOQUE 2: Percepción inconsciente

  • Froufe, M. (1997). El inconsciente cognitivo. La cara oculta de la mente, Madrid, Biblioteca Nueva, col. Psicología Universidad.
  • Goodale, M. A. y Milner, A. D. (2004). Sight Unseen: An Exploration of Conscious and Unconscious Vision. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Kiesel, A., Kunde, W., & Hoffmann, J. (2007). Mechanisms of subliminal response priming. Advances in Cognitive Psychology, 3, 307-315.
  • Lamme, V.A.F. (2006). Zap! Magnetic tricks on conscious and unconscious vision. Trends in Cognitive Sciences,10, 193-195
  • Marcel, A.J. (1983). Conscious and unconscious perception: Experiments on visual masking and word recognition. Cognitive Psychology, 15, 197.237
  • Merikle, P. M. y Daneman, M. (1998). Psychological investigations of unconscious perception. Journal of Consciousness Studies, 5, 5-18.
  • Merikle, P. M. y Daneman, M. (2000). Conscious vs. unconscious perception. In M. S. Gazzaniga (Ed.), The New Cognitive Neurosciences, 2nd Edition (pp.1295-1303). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
  • Dehaene, S. (2003). The neural bases of subliminal priming. En N. Kanwisher y J. Duncan. Functional Neuroimaging of visual cognition (Attention and performance Series, 20).
  • Naccache, L. y Dehaene, S. (2001). Unconscious semantic priming extends to novel unseen stimuli. Cognition, 80, 215-229
  • Stanislas Dehaene, Lionel Naccache, G. Le Clec'H, E. Koechlin, M. Mueller, Ghislaine Dehaene-Lambertz, P. F. van de Moortele, and Denis LeBihan. Imaging unconscious semantic priming. Nature, 395:597--600, 1998
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BLOQUE 3: Percepción sin atención

  • Chabris, C. y Simmons, D. (2011). El gorila invisible. Barcelona: RBA.
  • Dehaene, S., Changeux, J. P., Naccache, L., Sackur, J., & Sergent, C. (2006). Conscious, preconscious, and subliminal processing: A testable taxonomy. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 10, 204–211
  • Driver, J., Davis, G., Russell, C., Turatto, M. y Freeman, E. (2001). Segmentation, attention and phenomenal visual objects. Cognition, 80, 61-95.
  • Chan, W. Y. y Chua, F. K. (2003). Grouping with and without attention. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 10, 932-938.
  • Kimchi, R. y Razpurker-Apfeld, I. (2004). Perceptual grouping and attention: Not all groupings are equal. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 11, 687-696.
  • Lachter, J., Forster, K. I. y Ruthruff, E. (2004). Forty-five years after Broadbent (1958): Still no identification without attention. Psychological Review, 111, 880-913.
  • Lamy, D., Segal, H. y Ruderman, L. (2006). Grouping does not require attention. Perception & Psychophysics, 68, 17-31.
  • Mack, A. y Rock, I. (1998). Inattentional Blindness. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
  • Mack, A., Tang, B., Tuma, T., Kahn, S. y Rock, I. (1992). Perceptual organization and attention. Cognitive Psychology, 24, 475-501.
  • Rensink, R. A., O'Regan, J. K. y Clark, J. J. (1997). To see or not to see: The need for attention perceive changes in scenes. Psychological Science, 8, 253-259.
  • Simons, D. J. y Levin, D. T. (1997). Change blindness. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 1, 262-267.
  • Simons, D. J. y Chabris, C. F. (1999). Gorillas in our midst: sustained inattentional blindness for dynamic events. Perception 28, 1059–1074
  • Wolfe, J. M. (1999). Inattentional Amnesia. In V. Coltheart (Ed.), Fleeting Memories. Cognition of brief visual stimuli (pp. 71-94). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
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BLOQUE 4: Atención y consciencia: mitos, controversias y aplicaciones prácticas

  • Koch, C. (2005). La consciencia: una aproximación neurobiologica. Barcelona: Ariel
  • Stanislas Dehaene and Lionel Naccache. Towards a cognitive neuroscience of consciousness: Basic evidence and a workspace framework. Cognition, 79:1--37, 2001.
  • Macknik, S.L., King, M., Randi, J., Robbins, A., Teller, Thompson, J. y Martinez-Conde, S. (2008). Attention and awareness in stage magic: turning tricks into research. Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 9, 871-879
  • Merikle, P. M., & Joordens, S. (1997). Parallels between perception without attention and perception without awareness. Consciousness and Cognition, 6, 219-236.
  • Kiesel, A., Wagener, A., Kunde, W., Hoffmann, J., Fallgatter, A. J., & Stöcker, C. (2006). Unconscious manipulation of free choice in humans. Consciousness and Cognition, 15, 397-408.
  • Searle, J.R. (2000). El misterio de la conciencia. Barcelona: Paidos Ibérica
  • Van den Bussche, E., Hughes, G., Van Humbeeck, N. y Reynvoet, B. (2010). The relation between consciousness and attention: An empirical study using the priming paradigm. Consciousness and Cognition, 19, 86-97.
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