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Curso 2023/2024/Subject's code28806540



Como obras de consulta, así como para la ampliación de temas concretos, se recomiendan las siguientes:

  • AMIGO, F.J., CAMACHO, A.M. Reduction of induced central damage in cold extrusion of dual-phase steel DP800 using double-pass dies, Metals, ISSN 2075-4701. DOI 10.3390/met7090335, 7 (9): 335, 2017
  • ALLSOP, D.F.; KENNEDY, D., Pressure diecasting, Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1983.
  • BIEDEMANN, A., Fundición a presión de metales no férreos, Montesó, Barcelona, 1969.
  • BLAZYNSKI, T.Z., Plasticity and modern metal-forming technology, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1989.
  • BROWN, J., Advanced machining technology Handbook, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1998.
  • BRUNHUBER, E., Fundición a presión, Gustavo Gili, Barcelona, 1992.
  • CAMACHO, A.M.; RODRÍGUEZ-PRIETO, A.; HERRERO, J.M.; ARAGÓN, A.M.; BERNAL, C.; LORENZO-MARTÍN, C.; YANGUAS-GIL, A.; MARTINS, P.A.F. An experimental and numerical analysis of the compression of bimetallic cylinders, Materials, vol. 12 (4049), pp. 1-19, doi: 10.3390/ma12244094, 2019.
  • CAMACHO, A.M., VEGANZONES, M., CLAVER, J., MARTÍN, F., SEVILLA, L., SEBASTIÁN, M.A., Determination of actual friction factors in metal forming under heavy loaded regimes combining experimental and numerical analysis, Materials, ISSN 1996-1944. DOI 10.3390/ma9090751, 9 (9): 751-767, 2016.
  • CAMPBELL, J.S., Casting and forming processes in manufacturing, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1950.
  • CHRYSSOLOURIS, G., Laser machining. Theory and practice, Springer Verlag, Berlín, 1991.
  • DAVIM, J.P.; JACKSON, M.J., Nano and micromachining, John Wiley & Sons, 2009.
  • DOEHIER, R.H., Die casting, McGraw Hill, New York, 1951.
  • GARCÍA-DOMÍNGUEZ, A.; CLAVER, J.; CAMACHO, A.M.; SEBASTIÁN, M.A. Considerations on the applicability of test methods for mechanical characterization of materials manufactured by FDM, Materials, doi: 10.3390/ma13010028, 2020.
  • GARCÍA-DOMÍNGUEZ, A.; CLAVER, J.; CAMACHO, A.M.; SEBASTIÁN, M.A. Comparative analysis of extrusion processes by Finite Element Analysis, Procedia Engineering, vol. 100, pp. 74-83, 2015.
  • GUTIÉRREZ, J.M., CAMACHO, A.M.. Investigations on the influence of blank thickness (t) and length/wide punch ratio (LD) in rectangular deep drawing of dual-phase steels, Computational Materials Science, ISSN 0927-0256. DOI 10.1016/j.commatsci.2014.04.024, 91: 134-145, 2014.
  • HOLZMÜLER, A.; KUCHARCIK, L., Atlas de sistemas de colada y alimentación para fundiciones, Editécnica, Madrid, 1990.
  • KALPAKJIAN, S.; SCHMID, S.R, Manufactura, ingeniería y tecnología. Volumen 1: ingeniería y tecnología de materiales, 7ª edición, Pearson, México, 2014.
  • KALPAKJIAN, S.; SCHMID, S.R, Manufactura, ingeniería y tecnología. Volumen 2: procesos de manufactura, 7ª edición, Pearson, México, 2014.
  • MANDOU, M., Fundamentals of microfabrication, CRC Prew, New York, 1999.
  • MOLERA, P., Electromecanizado. Electroerosión y mecanizado electroquímico, Marcombo, Barcelona, 1989.
  • PRADO-CERQUEIRA, J.L.; CAMACHO, A.M.; DIÉGUEZ, J.L.; RODRÍGUEZ-PRIETO, A.; ARAGÓN, A.M.; LORENZO-MARTIN, C.; YANGUAS-GIL, A. Analysis of favorable process conditions for the manufacturing of thin-wall pieces of mild steel obtained by Wire and Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAAM), Materials, ISSN 1996-1944. DOI 10.3390/ma11081449, 11 (8): 1449, 2018.
  • RODRÍGUEZ-PANES, A.; CLAVER, J.; CAMACHO, A.M. The Influence of Manufacturing Parameters on the Mechanical Behaviour of PLA and ABS Pieces Manufactured by FDM: A Comparative Analysis, Materials, ISSN 1996-1944. DOI 10.3390/ma11081333, 11 (8): 1333, 2018.
  • RUBIO, E.M., CAMACHO, A.M., PÉREZ, R., MARÍN, M. Guidelines for selecting plugs used in thin-walled tube drawing processes of metallic alloys, Metals, ISSN 2075-4701. DOI 10.3390/met7120572, 7 (12): 572, 2017.
  • SÁNCHEZ, J.A.; LÓPEZ DE LACALLE, L.N. Y LAMIKIZ, A., Electroerosión: proceso, máquinas y aplicaciones, Ed. Publicaciones-Escuela Superior de Ingenieros de Bilbao, Bilbao, 2006.