Oracle Application Server Portal
Top Level
Page Groups
Understanding Page Groups
Working with Page Groups
Creating a page group
Editing a page group
Selecting a page group
Promoting an object
Working with Categories
Creating a category
Editing a category
Performing actions on multiple categories
Working with Perspectives
Creating a perspective
Editing a perspective
Performing actions on multiple perspectives
Creating an attribute
Working with Custom Types
Pages, Tabs, and Regions
Understanding Pages
What is a page?
Why can't I view a page?
Page privileges
Page caching options
Page caching at the system level
What is a region?
What is a parameter?
What is an event?
Working with Pages
Using the Page node in the Navigator
Creating a page
Editing a page
Editing a page in Graphical View
Editing a page in Layout View
Deleting a page
Copying a page
Copying a page as a JSP
Customizing a page
Performing Bulk Actions on Pages
Performing bulk actions on multiple pages
Changing access privileges on multiple pages
Arranging page tabs
Editing tabs
Performing actions on tabs
Editing Region Properties
Deleting a region
Understanding Portlets
Working with Portlets
Adding a portlet to a region
Changing the order of portlets in a region
Customizing the Page portlet
Customizing the Parameters portlet
Customizing the Recent Objects portlet
Customizing the User Managed Pages portlet
Deleting a portlet
Editing a portlet's access settings
Editing a portlet's attributes
Editing a portlet's language settings
Editing the HTML portlet
Editing the Login portlet
Making a customized portlet available to other pages
Moving a portlet
Selecting an action for a portlet
Working with External Applications
Creating an externally published portlet
Editing the External Applications portlet settings
Managing the externally published portlets in a page group
Renaming an externally published portlet
Working with Favorites and Favorite Groups
Understanding Items
Working with Items
Understanding Styles
Working with Styles
Templates and Navigation Pages
Understanding Templates and Navigation Pages
What is a template?
What is a navigation page?
Working with Templates and Navigation Pages
Approvals and Notifications
Understanding Approvals and Notifications
Enabling approvals and notifications
Working with Approvals and Notifications
Mobile Support
Understanding Mobile Support
Working with Mobile Support
Understanding Providers
Working with Providers
Portal Tools
Portlet Builder
Understanding Portlet Builder
Understanding Providers
What are provider access privileges?
Understanding Portlets
Understanding Shared Components
Working with Portlet Builder
Working with Providers
Working with Portlets
Creating a calendar
Creating a chart
Creating a SQL-based chart
Creating a data portlet
Creating a form (based on a procedure)
Creating a form (based on a table or view)
Creating a frame driver
Creating a hierarchy
Creating an image chart
Creating a link
Create a dynamic List of Values
Creating a static List of Values
Creating a master-detail form
Creating a menu
Creating a query by example report
Creating a dynamic page
Creating a report
Creating a SQL-based report
Creating a URL portlet
Creating an XML portlet
Copying a portlet
Deleting a portlet
Managing portlets
Renaming a portlet
Running a batch job
Setting portlet privileges
Working with Shared Components
Database Objects
Understanding Database Objects
What are schema and object privileges?
Working with Database Objects
Export and Import
Portal Administration
Understanding Portal Administration
Working with Portal Administration
Creating your own user account
Editing your account information
Editing a portal user profile
Editing a portal group profile
Establishing global settings
Adding a proxy server
Oracle Reports Security