Oracle Application Server Portal
Top Level
Page Groups
Understanding Page Groups
Working with Page Groups
Creating a page group
Editing a page group
Selecting a page group
Promoting an object
Working with Categories
Working with Perspectives
Creating a perspective
Editing a perspective
Performing actions on multiple perspectives
Creating an attribute
Working with Custom Types
Editing an attribute
Creating an item type
Editing an item type
Creating a page type
Editing a page type
Pages, Tabs, and Regions
Understanding Pages
Working with Pages
Understanding Portlets
Working with Portlets
Adding a portlet to a region
Changing the order of portlets in a region
Customizing the Page portlet
Customizing the Parameters portlet
Customizing the Recent Objects portlet
Customizing the User Managed Pages portlet
Deleting a portlet
Editing a portlet's access settings
Editing a portlet's attributes
Editing a portlet's language settings
Editing the HTML portlet
Editing the Login portlet
Making a customized portlet available to other pages
Moving a portlet
Selecting an action for a portlet
Working with External Applications
Working with Favorites and Favorite Groups
Adding a favorite
Adding a favorites group
Deleting a favorites group
Editing a favorite
Editing a favorites group
Editing the Favorites portlet
Working with favorites and favorite groups
Understanding Items
Working with Items
Templates and Navigation Pages
Understanding Templates and Navigation Pages
What is a template?
What is a navigation page?
Working with Templates and Navigation Pages
Approvals and Notifications
Mobile Support
Understanding Providers
Working with Providers
Deleting a provider group
Editing a provider group registration
Adding a provider
Creating a provider group
Deleting a provider
Deleting a portlet
Editing a portlet
Editing a provider registration
Editing a URL portlet
Editing an XML portlet
Refreshing remote provider registration
Registering a provider
Registering a provider group
Creating a URL portlet
Creating an XML portlet
Portal Tools
Portlet Builder
Database Objects
Understanding Database Objects
Working with Database Objects
Creating a database schema
Editing a schema's roles
Editing a schema's grants
Finding schemas
Creating a database link
Creating a database script
Creating a function
Editing a function
Executing a procedure or function
Creating an index
Creating a Java class
Creating a Java resource
Creating a package
Creating a procedure
Creating a sequence
Creating a synonym
Creating a table
Querying tables
Querying and modifying tables
Creating a trigger
Creating a view
Creating a role
Managing roles
Renaming an object
Granting object privileges
Granting schema privileges
Export and Import
Portal Administration
Oracle Reports Security
What is Oracle Reports Security?
Page Help: Oracle Reports Customization
Page Help: Oracle Reports Security
Page Help: Reports Server Access
Page Help: Reports Definition File Access
Page Help: Reports Printer Access
Page Help: Reports Calender Access