Oracle Application Server Portal
Top Level
Page Groups
Pages, Tabs, and Regions
Templates and Navigation Pages
Understanding Templates and Navigation Pages
Working with Templates and Navigation Pages
Approvals and Notifications
Understanding Approvals and Notifications
Working with Approvals and Notifications
Defining the approval process for a page
Defining the approval process for a page group
Editing the My Approval Status portlet settings
Editing the My Notifications portlet settings
Editing the Pending Approvals Monitor portlet settings
Enabling approvals and notifications
Using the Pending Items Preview mode
Viewing an approval notification's details
Viewing the approval history of an item
Understanding Survey Portlets
Survey portlets overview
Working with Survey Portlets
Setting up a survey, poll, or test
Mobile Support
Portal Tools
Understanding Portal Tools
Page Help: Portal Tools
Portlet Builder
Understanding Portlet Builder
Understanding Providers
Understanding Portlets
Understanding Shared Components
Working with Portlet Builder
Working with Providers
Accessing providers
Managing a provider
Using the Portal Navigator
Creating a provider
Working with Portlets
Working with Shared Components
Database Objects
Understanding Database Objects
Working with Database Objects
Export and Import
Portal Administration
Understanding Portal Administration
What are the different types of user accounts?
What users are created by default?
What groups are created by default?
What is a public user?
What is an authorized user?
What is a portal administrator?
What is a personal page?
How does security work?
How does caching work in OracleAS Portal?
Global privileges
Working with Portal Administration
Oracle Reports Security