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Oracle Application Server Portal
First level navigation elementsContents: Currently selected tabIndex: Select to go to this tabSearch: Select to go to this tabView Topic: Select to go to this tab
Select to collapseTop Level Top Level
Select to expandWelcome Welcome
Select to collapsePage Groups Page Groups
Select to collapseUnderstanding Page Groups Understanding Page Groups
What is a page group? What is a page group?
What is a page group administrator? What is a page group administrator?
What is a category? What is a category?
What is a perspective? What is a perspective?
What is an attribute? What is an attribute?
What are item types? What are item types?
What are page types? What are page types?
What is the Shared Objects page group? What is the Shared Objects page group?
What is a translation? What is a translation?
What is a direct access URL? What is a direct access URL?
Accessing OracleAS Portal from WebDAV clients Accessing OracleAS Portal from WebDAV clients
Page group privileges Page group privileges
Item image alignment Item image alignment
Select to collapseWorking with Page Groups Working with Page Groups
Creating a page group Creating a page group
Editing a page group Editing a page group
Selecting a page group Selecting a page group
Promoting an object Promoting an object
Select to collapseWorking with Categories Working with Categories
Creating a category Creating a category
Editing a category Editing a category
Performing actions on multiple categories Performing actions on multiple categories
Select to collapseWorking with Perspectives Working with Perspectives
Creating a perspective Creating a perspective
Editing a perspective Editing a perspective
Performing actions on multiple perspectives Performing actions on multiple perspectives
Creating an attribute Creating an attribute
Select to expandWorking with Custom Types Working with Custom Types
Select to collapsePages, Tabs, and Regions Pages, Tabs, and Regions
Select to expandUnderstanding Pages Understanding Pages
Select to expandWorking with Pages Working with Pages
Select to collapsePortlets Portlets
Select to expandUnderstanding Portlets Understanding Portlets
Select to expandWorking with Portlets Working with Portlets
Select to expandItems Items
Select to collapseStyles Styles
Select to expandUnderstanding Styles Understanding Styles
Select to expandWorking with Styles Working with Styles
Select to collapseTemplates and Navigation Pages Templates and Navigation Pages
Select to collapseUnderstanding Templates and Navigation Pages Understanding Templates and Navigation Pages
What is a template? What is a template?
What is a navigation page? What is a navigation page?
Select to expandWorking with Templates and Navigation Pages Working with Templates and Navigation Pages
Select to expandSearch Search
Select to collapseApprovals and Notifications Approvals and Notifications
Select to collapseUnderstanding Approvals and Notifications Understanding Approvals and Notifications
Enabling approvals and notifications Enabling approvals and notifications
Select to collapseWorking with Approvals and Notifications Working with Approvals and Notifications
Defining the approval process for a page Defining the approval process for a page
Defining the approval process for a page group Defining the approval process for a page group
Editing the My Approval Status portlet settings Editing the My Approval Status portlet settings
Editing the My Notifications portlet settings Editing the My Notifications portlet settings
Editing the Pending Approvals Monitor portlet settings Editing the Pending Approvals Monitor portlet settings
Enabling approvals and notifications Enabling approvals and notifications
Using the Pending Items Preview mode Using the Pending Items Preview mode
Viewing an approval notification's details Viewing an approval notification's details
Viewing the approval history of an item Viewing the approval history of an item
Select to expandCollaboration Collaboration
Select to expandMobile Support Mobile Support
Select to collapseProviders Providers
Select to expandUnderstanding Providers Understanding Providers
Select to collapseWorking with Providers Working with Providers
Deleting a provider group Deleting a provider group
Editing a provider group registration Editing a provider group registration
Adding a provider Adding a provider
Creating a provider group Creating a provider group
Deleting a provider Deleting a provider
Deleting a portlet Deleting a portlet
Editing a portlet Editing a portlet
Editing a provider registration Editing a provider registration
Editing a URL portlet Editing a URL portlet
Editing an XML portlet Editing an XML portlet
Refreshing remote provider registration Refreshing remote provider registration
Registering a provider Registering a provider
Registering a provider group Registering a provider group
Creating a URL portlet Creating a URL portlet
Creating an XML portlet Creating an XML portlet
Select to collapsePortal Tools Portal Tools
Select to expandUnderstanding Portal Tools Understanding Portal Tools
Select to expandPage Help: Portal Tools Page Help: Portal Tools
Select to expandPortlet Builder Portlet Builder
Select to expandDatabase Objects Database Objects
Select to expandExport and Import Export and Import
Select to expandPortal Administration Portal Administration
Select to collapseOracle Reports Security Oracle Reports Security
What is Oracle Reports Security? What is Oracle Reports Security?
Select to expandPage Help: Oracle Reports Customization Page Help: Oracle Reports Customization
Select to expandPage Help: Oracle Reports Security Page Help: Oracle Reports Security