Oracle Application Server Portal
Top Level
Page Groups
Understanding Page Groups
What is a page group?
What is a page group administrator?
What is a category?
What is a perspective?
What is an attribute?
What are item types?
What are page types?
What is the Shared Objects page group?
What is a translation?
What is a direct access URL?
Accessing OracleAS Portal from WebDAV clients
Page group privileges
Item image alignment
Working with Page Groups
Pages, Tabs, and Regions
Understanding Portlets
What is a portlet?
What's in the Portlet Repository?
What is the Favorites portlet?
What is a favorite group?
What is the External Applications portlet?
What is an externally published portlet?
What is the Login portlet?
What is the Recent Objects portlet?
What is the Set Language portlet?
Working with Portlets
Templates and Navigation Pages
Understanding Search
Working with Search
Setting Portal Search Options
Working with Basic Search Portlets
Working with Advanced Search Portlets
Working with Custom Search Portlets
Choosing the search portlet type
Restricting what Portal content to search
Setting search criteria
Defining the search form
Defining how search results are displayed
Working with Save Search Portlets
Approvals and Notifications
Understanding Survey Portlets
Survey portlets overview
Working with Survey Portlets
Mobile Support
Understanding Providers
Provider privileges
What is a provider group?
What is a provider?
What is the Federated Portlet Adapter?
What is the Portlet Repository?
Working with Providers
Portal Tools
Portlet Builder
Database Objects
Export and Import
Portal Administration
Oracle Reports Security