Oracle Application Server Portal
Top Level
Page Groups
Pages, Tabs, and Regions
Understanding Portlets
Working with Portlets
Understanding Items
Working with Items
Understanding Styles
What is a style?
What can I change with styles?
Working with Styles
Templates and Navigation Pages
Understanding Templates and Navigation Pages
What is a template?
What is a navigation page?
Working with Templates and Navigation Pages
Working with Templates
Creating a template
Editing a template
Detaching from a template
Deleting a template
Copying a template
Changing the template a page uses
Using the Templates node in the Navigator
Working with Navigation Pages
Approvals and Notifications
Mobile Support
Understanding Providers
Provider privileges
What is a provider group?
What is a provider?
What is the Federated Portlet Adapter?
What is the Portlet Repository?
Working with Providers
Deleting a provider group
Editing a provider group registration
Adding a provider
Creating a provider group
Deleting a provider
Deleting a portlet
Editing a portlet
Editing a provider registration
Editing a URL portlet
Editing an XML portlet
Refreshing remote provider registration
Registering a provider
Registering a provider group
Creating a URL portlet
Creating an XML portlet
Portal Tools
Understanding Portal Tools
Understanding Provider Builder
What is a provider?
What are provider groups?
What are URL portlets?
What are XML portlets?
OmniPortlet System Variables
Page Help: Portal Tools
Page Help: OmniPortlet
Page Help: Web Clipping
Page Help: Simple Parameter Form
Page Help: Provider Builder
Portlet Builder
Understanding Portlet Builder
Understanding Providers
What are provider access privileges?
Understanding Portlets
Understanding Shared Components
Working with Portlet Builder
Working with Providers
Working with Portlets
Creating a calendar
Creating a chart
Creating a SQL-based chart
Creating a data portlet
Creating a form (based on a procedure)
Creating a form (based on a table or view)
Creating a frame driver
Creating a hierarchy
Creating an image chart
Creating a link
Create a dynamic List of Values
Creating a static List of Values
Creating a master-detail form
Creating a menu
Creating a query by example report
Creating a dynamic page
Creating a report
Creating a SQL-based report
Creating a URL portlet
Creating an XML portlet
Copying a portlet
Deleting a portlet
Managing portlets
Renaming a portlet
Running a batch job
Setting portlet privileges
Working with Shared Components
Database Objects
Export and Import
Portal Administration
Understanding Portal Administration
Working with Portal Administration
Oracle Reports Security