Oracle Application Server Portal
Top Level
Page Groups
Pages, Tabs, and Regions
Templates and Navigation Pages
Understanding Templates and Navigation Pages
What is a template?
What is a navigation page?
Working with Templates and Navigation Pages
Understanding Search
Working with Search
Approvals and Notifications
Mobile Support
Understanding Mobile Support
Working with Mobile Support
Understanding Providers
Working with Providers
Portal Tools
Understanding Portal Tools
Understanding Provider Builder
Page Help: Portal Tools
Page Help: OmniPortlet
Page Help: Web Clipping
Page Help: Simple Parameter Form
Page Help: Provider Builder
Create/Edit Provider: Name and Display Name
Navigator - Path: Providers: <provider_name>
Delete Provider
Create/Edit Provider Group
Add Provider: Name and Display Name
Navigator - Path: Providers: <provider_group>
Delete Provider Group
Remove Provider
Create/Edit URL Portlet: Name and Display Name
Create/Edit XML Portlet: Name and Display Name
Delete portlet
Portlet Builder
Understanding Portlet Builder
Working with Portlet Builder
Database Objects
Understanding Database Objects
Working with Database Objects
Export and Import
Portal Administration
Understanding Portal Administration
What are the different types of user accounts?
What users are created by default?
What groups are created by default?
What is a public user?
What is an authorized user?
What is a portal administrator?
What is a personal page?
How does security work?
How does caching work in OracleAS Portal?
Global privileges
Working with Portal Administration
Creating your own user account
Editing your account information
Editing a portal user profile
Editing a portal group profile
Establishing global settings
Adding a proxy server
Oracle Reports Security