The e-learning industry generated a value of around 190,000M USD in 2018, and its growth is expected to represent an increase of 7% per year until 2025. The rise of ICT in education has been very significant in recent years in which both the public and private sectors have made significant investments in a mature industry with great demand.
In this scenario of sustainable and growing evolution, the appearance of the 2020 pandemic phenomenon has motivated the vast majority of professions to adapt to telecommuting. Education is one of them, since the pandemic has catalyzed the adaptation of training to virtual environments and has proven to be a key factor for business continuity in practically all educational institutions.
It is expected that, both due to the evolution expected before the pandemic and due to the enormous restrictions on mobility due to it, the development of technological alternatives and ICT-based training will speed up more than expected due to the evolution itself of the industry, and the consequences will change the way of learning and teaching.
The first immediate consequence will be an increase in the expected demand for training for the production and implementation of ICT-based technological solutions for teaching.
One of the fundamental aspects in recent years in relation to the generation of content, both in educational environments and in others, is electronic accessibility, support products, and the benefits that their adoption brings to people with and without disabilities who use such services and digital resources. Within this master's degree, subjects are offered where the needs and preferences related to accessibility are studied. The preparation of the study plan for such subject has been carried out with the collaboration of the National Organization of the Spanish Blind (Organización Nacional de Ciegos Españoles, ONCE).
To satisfy this demand from a technological point of view and with a solid base that allows training and updating of knowledge throughout life, is what we propose this master's degree for.