Changing a page's template

To change a page's template:

  1. In the Navigator, click Properties next to the page to which you want to assign a new template.

  2. Click the Template tab.

  3. From the Page Template list, select the template you want to apply.

    The Region Mapping section may appear on the Template tab. If it does, that means that one or more regions on the page contain content that must be accommodated somewhere within the template you selected. Region Mapping is displayed only when:

  4. For each region listed in the Move content from ... column, select a new home for the content using the drop-down list in the Move content to ... column. The drop-down list displays only those regions that:

All items and portlets on the page must have a home in the new template. So, if your page contains an item but you chose a new template that does not have a region allocated to items, you must either discard that item or choose a different template.

  1. Use the Preview section to help you determine which region corresponds to a given region number. If the region has a name, the name is used instead of numbers.

  2. Click OK.


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What is a page template?