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Curso 2017/2018 Subject code70024137




Continuous evaluation

Students can choose the option of doing the so-called continuous evaluation. This activity makes up 10 percent of the final grade consists of writing an essay (between 2,000 and 3,000 words in Word, double-spaced) on a book selected from a list that will be specified in the online platform. The deadline for handing in this essay is December 15. The points obtained by this optional assignment will be added to the exam’s mark only in the case of those students that obtain at least the pass mark (5 points) on the exam.This grade will only be considered during the regular academic course. Although this essay cannot be sent for extraordinary exams, the grade obtained in the regular course will be considered in the grade on the extraordinary exam in September.

Final evaluation

The final evaluation will consist of a written exam that will account for 100 percent of the final grade except for students who choose the continuous evaluation. The final exam will consist of four questions. There will be two opportunities: ordinary exam (February) and extraordinary exam (September).

During ordinary and extraordinary exams, students will have to answer a two- hour written exercise. To answer these questions, students will be able to use any kind of printed material (program, books, documents, guides, etc.). The exam will have two parts. In the first part, the exam will have three questions from the required readings and the students will have to answer just two of them writing no more than a single-sided page for each question. Each question will be marked with 2,5 points. In the second part, students will have to do a Research Project Proposed in Migration (RPPM) on a single-sided page; itsstructure will be specified in the online course. The proposal will be marked with 2,5 points. On the exam there will also be a question related to this project/proposal that will be marked with 2,5 points.

In order to pass the course successfully the students have to obtain a 5 points over 10 on the final exam. The course grade will be the result of continuous evaluation (1 point) plus the final exam (90 percent) for those students choosing this option and 100 percent of the final exam for students who do not chose the continuous evaluation. The grade system will be suspenso (from 0 to 4,9), aprobado (from 5 to 6,9), notable (from 7 to 8,9) and sobresaliente (from 9 to 10). Students achieving a sobresaliente could access to a Matrícula de Honor following the established official rules.