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Course 2022-2023 / FACULTAD DE CIENCIAS




1. Basic outline

The Master´s Degree in Advanced Physics is a university postgraduate study program of 60 ECTS credits, and consists of five modules and three specialties. All subjects (except the Master´s Thesis, TFM) are 6 ECTS credits. The TFM is 12 ECTS credits and is carried out in the second semester of the course.                                      


1C – Advanced numerical methods

1C – Complements of mathematical methods







1C – Information theory

1C - Modeling and simulation of complex systems

1C - Statistical mechanics of complex fluids

1C - Density functional theory

1C - Introduction to science and data analysis

1C - Compressible fluid dynamics

1C – Field Theory

1C - Digital image processing

1C - Mechanical properties in soft matter

2C – Relativistic effects in curved space-times

2C – Out-of-equilibrium growth

2C - Instabilities and turbulence

2C – Introduction to quantum information and computing

2C - Neural and complex networks

2C - Transport phenomena

2C - Quantum methods in polyatomic systems

2C - Sociophysics and social networks

2C - Microhydrodynamics


2C – Master´s Thesis (TFM)

Table 1. MFA´s curriculum. 1C – First semester. 2C – Second semester.


2. Time sequence

All students must study 3 compulsory subjects (one of them, the TFM) and 6 optional subjects out of the 18 available, which guarantees a sufficient level of electiveness. Master´s curriculum is organized in such a way that a full-time enrolled student can study 30 ECTS credits per semester:

  • First semester (5 subjects, 30 credits)

12 credits of the compulsory module, in two subjects.

18 credits of any of the modules of specialty. The student must choose three subjects from among the nine optional subjects taught during the first semester.

  • Second semester (4 subjects, 30 credits)

18 credits of any of the modules of specialty. The student must choose three subjects from among the nine optional subjects taught during the second semester.

12 credits of the Master´s Thesis module.

In view of the specificity of the UNED, where 80% of the students carry out their studies part-time, we can propose an alternative itinerary that encompasses two academic years, with between 12 and 18 ECTS credits per semester:

  • Year 1. First semester (3 subjects, 18 credits)

12 credits of the compulsory module, in two subjects.

6 credits of any of the modules of specialty. The student must choose one subject from among the nine optional subjects taught during the first semester.

  • Year 1. Second semester (3 subjects, 18 credits)

18 credits of any of the modules of specialty. The student must choose three subjects from among the nine optional subjects taught during the second semester.

  • Year 2. First semester (2 subjects, 12 credits)

12 credits of any of the modules of specialty. The student must choose two subjects from among the nine optional subjects taught during the first semester.

  • Year 2. Second semester (1 subject, 12 credits)

12 credits of the Master´s Thesis module.


3. Training itineraries

The Master's curriculum includes three specialties:

  • Specialty in Theoretical Physics
  • Specialty in Computational Physics
  • Specialty in Fluid Physics

To get the specialty mention, a student must complete at least 24 ECTS credits (4 subjects) of the module of the same name.

A student who takes less than 24 credits of the same specialty module, may obtain the title of Master's Degree in Advanced Physics, and no specialty will be associated to the degree obtained.


4. Modules

  • Compulsory Module

This module contains two compulsory subjects with transversal nature that provide the students with the mathematical and computational tools that will be necessary for the rest of the subjects, regardless of the itinerary they follow.

  • Theoretical Physics Module

This module, which allows the specialty degree in theoretical physics, provides advanced training in those areas of knowledge of the theoretical physics that are preliminarily studied in undergraduate studies: field theory, density functional theory, and information theory.

  • Computational Physics Module

This module corresponds to the specialty of computational physics, and develops abilities and skills typical of those branches of physics based on information technologies and the simulation of physical processes using computers.

  • Fluid Physics Module

This module is associated with the specialty of fluid physics, and provides students with advanced training in fluid phase systems, both in equilibrium and in out-of-equilibrium conditions.

  • Master´s Thesis Module

The completion of a Master's Thesis is mandatory for all MFA students, as specified in the regulation of official university education (Real Decreto 1393/2007).