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Curso 2014/2015 / Cod.30001588



The course is organized in four assignments: completing two questionnaires on the textbook, preparing a book review and discussing other reviews of the same book by your fellow students.

The student should first read the following book and answer two questionnaires about it (deadlines: March 15th, April 15th):

  • Adam Briggle & Carl Mitcham, Ethics and science. An Introduction, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2012

Then you should prepare a book review choosing one from the list below. It should be 1500 words long and the deadline for delivery is May 15th. Further instructions about its structure and content will be posted on ALF.

  • Patricia Churchland, Braintrust: What Neuroscience Tells Us about Morality, Princeton, Princeton University Press, 2012.
  • Ben Goldacre, Bad Science, London, Faber & Faber, 2010.

Finally, you should post your review in a dedicated message board, provide comments on the reviews of at least two of your fellow students and engage in the subsequent discussion. The deadline for this last assignments is June 15th.