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Curso 2016/2017 / Cod.22202347



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A continuación se detallan los documentos de lectura obligatoria para la preparación de cada TEMA (ver Metodología y Plan de Trabajo; para todos los demás detalles ver GUÍA DIDÁCTICA)


Barrett, L., Dunbar, R. y Lycett, J (2002): Human Evolutionary Psychology. Princeton. Caps 1 y 2.

Hames, R. (2001): Human behavioral ecology. International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences. 6946-6951. Elsevier.

Mysterud, I. (2004): One Name for the Evolutionary Baby? A Preliminary Guide for Everyone Confused by the Chaos of Names. Social Science Information 43:95-114.

Smith, E. A., y Winterhalder, B. (1992): Natural selection and decision-making: Some fundamental principles. En Evolutionary Ecology and Human Behavior. Edited by E. A. Smith and B. Winterhalder, pp. 25-60. New York: Aldine de Gruyter.

Schmitt DP and Pilcher JJ (2004). Evaluating evidence of psychological adaptation: how do we know one when we see one? Psychological Science, 15, 643–49.


Boyd, R. y Silk, J.B. (2006): How Humans Evolved. Norton, New York. (Hay una version traducida de una edición anterior en Ariel, 2001). Capítulo 1.

Boyd, R. y Silk, J.B. (2006): How Humans Evolved. Norton, New York. (Hay una version traducida de una edición anterior en Ariel, 2001). Capítulos 11 a 13.


Finch, C.E. y Stanford, C.B. (2004): Meat-adaptive genes and the evolution of slower aging in humans. The Quarterly Review of Biology, 79(1): 3-50.

Lieberman, L.S. (2006): Evolutionary and anthropological perspectives on optimal foraging in obesogenic environments. Appetite 47, 3-9.

Leonard, W.R, Snodgrass, J.J. y Robertson, M.L. (2007): Effects of brain evolution on human nutrition and metabolism. Annual Review of Nutrition 27, 311-327.

Ungar, P.S., Grine, F.E. y Teaford, M.F. (2006): Diet in early Homo: A review of the evidence and a new model of adaptive versatility. Annual Review of Anthopology 35, 209-228.


Cambras Riu, T. (2006): Propiedades fundamentales de los ritmos cricadianos. En Madrid, J.A. y Rol de Lama, A. (Eds): Cronobiología Básica y Clínica. Editec, Madrid. Pp. 151-189.

Reiter, R.J. (2006): Contaminación lumínica: Supresión del ritmo circadiano de melatonina y sus consecuencias para la salud. En Madrid, J.A. y Rol de Lama, A. (Eds): Cronobiología Básica y Clínica. Editec, Madrid. Pp. 269-289.

Macchi, M.M., y Bruce, J.N. (2004): Human pineal physiology and functional significance of melatonin. Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology 25, 177–195.

Aleandri, V., Spina, V. y Morini, A. (1996): The Pineal gland and reproduction. Human Reproduction Update 2, 225–235.


Hill, K. Y Kaplan, H (1999): Life history traits in humans: Theory and Empirical Studies. Annual Review of Anthropology 28, 397-430.

Kaplan, H. Y Gangestad, S.W. (2005): Life history theory and evolutionary psychology. En Buss (Ed.): Handbook of Evolutionary Psychology. Wiley, New Jersey. Pp. 68-95.

Mace, R. (2000): Evolutionary ecology of human life history. Animal Behavior 59, 1-10.


Schmitt, D.P. (2005): Fundamentals of human mating strategies. En Buss D.M. (Ed.): Handbook of Evolutionary Psychology (pp. 258-291) Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.

Sefcek, J.A., Barbara, MA., Brumbach, H., Geneva Vasquez, MA, y Miller, G.F. (2007): The evolutionary psychology of human mate choice: how ecology, genes, fertility and fashion influence mating. PDF

Gangestad, S. W., Thornhill, R., Garver-Apgar, C. E. (2005). Adaptations to ovulation. En Buss, D.M. (Ed.), The Handbook of Evolutionary Psychology (pp. 344-371). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.

Shackelford, T.K., Pound, N., Goetz, A. y Lamunyon, C.W. (2005): Female infidelity and sperm competition. En Buss, D.M. (Ed.), The Handbook of Evolutionary Psychology (pp. 372-393). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.


Kurland, J.A. y Gaulin, S.J.C. (2005): Cooperation and conflict among kin. En Buss, D.M. (Ed.), The Handbook of Evolutionary Psychology (pp. 447-482). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.

Geary, D.C. (2005): Evolution of paternal investment. En Buss, D.M. (Ed.), The Handbook of Evolutionary Psychology (pp. 483-505). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.

Salmon, C. (2005): Parental investment and parent-offspring conflict. En Buss, D.M. (Ed.), The Handbook of Evolutionary Psychology (pp. 506-527). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.


Smith, E.A. (2003): Human cooperation: Perspectives from behavioral ecology. En Hammerstein, P. (Ed.): Genetic and Cultural Evolution of Cooperation (401-427). MIT.

Heinrich y Heinrich (2003): The puzzle of human cooperation. En Heinrich y Heinrich (Eds.): The Cultural and Evolutionary Origins of Human Cooperation (cap1).

Stevens, J.R. y Hauser, M.D. (2004): Cooperative brains: psychological constraints on the evolution of altruism. En Dehaene, S,. Duhamel, J.R., Rizolatti, G y Hauser, M.D. (Eds): From Monkey Brain to Human Brain (159-187). MIT press.

Nowak, M.A. y Sigmund, K. (2005): Evolution of indirect reciprocity. Nature 437, 1291-1298.

Bulbulia, J.A. (2007): The evolution of religion. En Barrett, L y Dunbar, R. (eds.). The Oxford Handbook of Evolutionary Psychology (pp 621-635). Oxford University Press


Fitch, W.T. (2005): The evolution of language: a comparative review Biology and Philosophy 20:193–230.

Fisher, S.E. y Marcus, G.F. (2006): The eloquent ape: genes, brains and the evolution of language. Nature Reviews/Genetics 7, 9-20.

Evans, J.St.B.T. (2003): In two minds: dual-process accounts of reasoning. Trends in Cognitive Sciences 7, 454-459.

Barrett, L., Dunbar, R. y Lycett, J (2002): Human Evolutionary Psychology. Princeton. Cap.10


Lindstrom, L. y Kotiaho, J.S. (2002): Signalling and Reception. Encyclopedia of Life Sciences. Macmillan Publishers Ltd,

Judith, (2006): Signals, cues and meaning. Draft.

Searcy, W.A. y Nowicki St. (2005): The Evolution of Animal Communication. Princeton University Press. Cap 1.

Bergstrom, C.T.,Antia, R. Szamad, S y Lachmann, M. (2001): The peacock, the sparrow, and the evolution of human language. Draft.

Barrett, L., Dunbar, R. y Lycett, J (2002): Human Evolutionary Psychology. Princeton. Cap. 12.


Bridgeman, B. (2003): Psychology and Evolution: The Origins of Mind. Cap 10 (Evolutionary psychiatry). Sage Publications.

Stitch, S. ;Murphy, M. (2000): Darwin in the madhouse: evolutionary psychology and the classifications of mental disorders. En Carruthers, P. y Chamberlain, A. (Eds.): Evolution and the Human Mind: Modularity, Language and Metacognition. Cambridge University Press.

Faucher, L. (2005): Evolutionary psychiatry and nosology. Les Cahiers du Lanci 8.

Nesse, R.M. (2005) : Twelve Crucial Points about Emotions, Evolution and Mental Disorders. Psychology Review 11(4), 12-14.

Nesse, R.M. (1999): Testing evolutionary hypothesis about mental disorders. En Stearns, St.C. (Ed.): Evolution in Health and Disease. Oxford Univ press.

Sanjuan, J. (1999): Teorías evolucionistas de las esquizofrenias. Actas Españolas de Psiquiatría, 27, 390-397.

Polimeni, J., Reiss, J.P. (2003): Evolutionary perspectives on schizophrenia. Can J Psychiatry, 48, 34-39.