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Curso 2017/2018 / Cod.22202332



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* Este manual  (Estrés, memoria y trastornos asociados, Sandi y cols., 2001) explica, de forma clara y comprensible, los mecanismos neurobiológicos a través de los cuales el estrés puede afectar al funcionamiento cognitivo de los individuos.

Además, los siguientes artículos de investigación forman parte de la bibliografía obligatoria de este curso: 

- Coelho LA , Costa JM. Bases neurobiológicas del estrés post-traumático. Anales de psicología, vol. 26 (1): 1-10.

- Dedovic K, Duchesne A, Andrews J, Engert V, Pruessner JC. (2009).  The brain and the stress axis: the neural correlates of cortisol regulation in response to stress. Neuroimage;47(3):864-71

- Diamond DM, Campbell AM, Park CR, Halonen J, Zoladz PR. (2007). The temporal dynamics model of emotional memory processing: a synthesis on the neurobiological basis of stress-induced amnesia, flashbulb and traumatic memories, and the Yerkes-Dodson law. Neural Plast. :60803.

- Jin J, Maren S. (2015). Prefrontal-Hippocampal Interactions in Memory and Emotion. Front Syst Neurosci.;9:170

- McEwen BS, Bowles NP, Gray JD, Hill MN, Hunter RG, Karatsoreos IN, Nasca C. Mechanisms of stress in the brain.  (2015). Nat Neurosci. 2015 Oct;18(10):1353-63

- McEwen BS, Nasca C, Gray JD. (2016). Stress Effects on Neuronal Structure: Hippocampus, Amygdala, and Prefrontal Cortex. Neuropsychopharmacology. Jan;41(1):3-23.

- Negrón-Oyarzo I, Aboitiz F, Fuentealba P.(2016). Impaired Functional Connectivity in the Prefrontal Cortex: A Mechanism for Chronic Stress-Induced Neuropsychiatric Disorders. Neural Plast. 2016; doi: 10.1155/2016/7539065

- Pittenger C, Duman RS.(2008). Stress, Depression, and Neuroplasticity: A Convergence of Mechanisms . Neuropsychopharmacology Reviews 33, 88–109

- Sousa N, Almeida OFX. (2012). Disconnection and reconnection: the morphological basis of (mal)adaptation to stress. Trends in Neurosciences . Vol. 35, No. 12: 742:751

- Sousa N. (2016). The dynamics of the stress neuromatrix. Molecular Psychiatry 21: 302–312.