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Lengua Extranjera: Inglés (Prueba de Acceso)

Curso 2023/2024 Code: 00002051

Lengua Extranjera: Inglés (Prueba de Acceso)


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El examen de inglés  consiste en una prueba objetiva de 20 preguntas de opción múltiple orientadas unas, a medir la comprensión de un texto, y otras, a medir el dominio de los aspectos gramaticales (léxicos, morfológico-sintácticos y semánticos) y de uso de la lengua inglesa. Todas estas competencias se tratan en el manual obligatorio de esta asignatura: CURSO DE INGLÉS PARA ADULTOS (UNED - 2da Ed. 2020)

La prueba presencial final o examen en la convocatoria de junio o septiembre tendrá una duración de 60 minutos. En esta prueba final  se permitirá el uso del diccionario en formato papel sin apéndice gramatical y sin anotaciones o apuntes.

Se considerará superado el examen cuando la mitad de sus preguntas hayan sido contestadas correctamente; es decir 10 preguntas correctas de las 20 del examen. Las respuestas incorrectas no restarán puntuación.


INGLÉS (20 preguntas). - Tiempo: 60 min.- Diccionario: .- Marque CLARAMENTE cada una de las 20 respuestas rellenando UNA ÚNICA CASILLA siguiendo las instrucciones de la hoja.  Cada respuesta vale 0,5 puntos. No penalizan las respuestas incorrectas o en blanco. 

I. Comprensión lectora

Lea el siguiente texto y conteste las 5 preguntas a continuación:

The greatest of Victorian writers, Charles Dickens, was born in Portsmouth, on February 7, 1812. His father John Dickens was constantly in debt, and in 1824 he was imprisoned so Charles was forced to leave school at the age of 12 and go to work in a bootblack factory to help support the Dickens family. It was his personal experience of factory work and the living conditions of the poor that created in Dickens the compassion which was to mark his literary works such as Oliver Twist, published from 1837-38. In general, his works deal with the grim social iniquities of the time, and it was this awareness and concern for the plight of the lower classes that was to mark much of Dickens' life work. In December 1843 Dickens wrote one of his most enduring works, a short story entitled A Christmas Carol. The largely autobiographical David Copperfield followed in 1850. Dickens literary output remained prolific, with later works including A Tale of Two Cities (1859) and Great Expectations (1860-61). Charles Dickens died on June 9, 1870 and was buried at Westminster Abbey.

1. ¿Cuál sería el título más apropiado para este texto?:

a. Dickens, el gran escritor victoriano.       

b. El origen de Oliver Twist.   

c. Literatura inglesa del siglo XIX.             

d. Historia literaria de Inglaterra.

2. (Línea 7) Elija la traducción más apropiada para enduring:

a. importantes         

b. imperecederas          

c. conocidas          

d. premiadas

3. ¿Cuál de estas oraciones NO es correcta según el texto?:

a. Dickens had to go to prison.         

b. Dickens was aware of social injustice in his times.

c. Dickens had to work when he was a boy.

d. In David Copperfield he reflected his own life.

4. ¿Cuál de estas oraciones ES correcta según el texto?:

a. Dickens only wrote a few works but they were very successful.          

b. Dickens was an educated person.           

c. David Copperfield is very much connected to Dickens own experience.                

d. Dickens main concern in his works was to portray the higher classes and their way of life .

5. (Línea 8)¿Cuál es el significado de output?

a. importancia         

b. actividad          

c. producción           

d. características 

II. Gramática y vocabulario de elección múltiple de 15 preguntas a continuación:

- Elija la opción correcta en las siguientes frases:

6. I like _____ tennis when I _____ to the gym on Sunday.

a.  playing / have gone                      b.  play / go                                        c. playing / go

7. Her sister _____ a beautiful ode when the sun _____ later.

a. will recite/sets                               b. recited / set                                   c.  recites / sets

8. “_____ read in French or just in German, Jürgen? You have a special talent for languages.”

a. Have you                                        b.  Are you                                          c. Can you

9.  It’s 20 _____. It’s not really cold for a walk!

a.  grades                                            b. degrees                                          c. temperature

10. This make-up is _____ than the one I used when I was younger.

a. better                                             b. best                                                c.  more good

11. Did Sarah _____ her sunglasses because she could not see well?

a. takes off                                         b. take off                                           c.  took off

12. We met my parents-in-law three times _____ year.

a.  in                                                   b. a                                                     c. at

13. Could you see my brother Charles? I am _____ sister.

a. Charles’s                                         b. Charles                                           c. Charle’s

14. ¿Cuál de estas palabras no está relacionada con comida?

a. breakfast                                        b.  brunch                                           c. branch

15. This is the director _____ movie was shot in June last year.

a. who                                                b. whose                                             c.  which

16. It’s really cloudy! It _____ rain in London later.

a. may                                                b. has                                                c. would

17. Elija la palabra que complete la frase de la forma más adecuada:

Miami is the only city _____ by a woman,” the historian said.

a. find                                                 b. founded                                          c. fond

18. Seleccione la opción correcta:

a. My coat will be altered by an expert dressmaker.

b. My coat will being altered by an expert dressmaker.

c. My coat will been altered by an expert dressmaker.

19. Seleccione la opción correcta:

a. That Soviet spy is been enquired by Scotland Yard.

b. That Soviet spy is being enquired by Scotland Yard.

c. That Soviet spy is be enquired by Scotland Yard.

20. Ordene la frase con las palabras que aparecen a continuación usand puntuación correcta:

Bought / in the grocer’s /a nice apple pie / yesterday evening / very quickly / I / also /

a. Also I bought very quickly a nice apple pie yesterday evening in the grocer’s.

b. I bought very quickly also a nice apple pie in the grocer’s yesterday evening.

c. I also bought a nice apple pie very quickly in the grocer’s yesterday evening.